The writer - Anis Nazari 💖

Assalamualaikum and a good day to you,

So I am trying to be a bit fun here, hence bear with me for a moment 😆

Hey, I am Anis Nazari.  

IF this blog is a baby girl by the time it was born, now I have a 9/10 year old kid going to school , facing major conflict to stay a kid or a teenager. 

Back in 2008, I know I have a thing for writing as I find ease at jotting down quotes and writing sappiest love stories in series of random books I had back then. Just when technology seems to be invading the youth - and its kinda like a trend that everyone started to have their own site, I had mine. Can't be left out isn't it? 

Having a site of my own, well of course giving credits to the blogger was initially to feel the hype of being 'kewl' kids, we're so cool that we spell it that way 😂 to later found that it has been one of the important part of introduction about my life. I go around to tell people I love writing, when nowadays I struggled to produce one * cries a Mekong river, or Rajang river *

Writing has indirectly taught me to express , putting thoughts into writing, most of the time I think I had a messy set of thoughts inside my head that the wires may be complicatedly tangible to each other. I write to arrange my thoughts accordingly ( well hopefully ) , and to record things that I wish to embrace a lifetime. It taught me to be grateful.  

I appreciate your support over years of my involvement with this site. Drop me comments/ emails , I welcome them insyaAllah :)

* I am such a bore k , gimme some time to sort a new fancier introduction , I am fun hahahahaha much clarification huh

Updates , though you may not be concerned about it ; HA-HA Done and dusted with my journey to obtain LLB Law as well as my professional paper. Now serving the chambers - doing what I aspired to do, which to facilitate justice. 

May I humbly request to be included in your daily prayers? x x 

Lets spread some love 💖

any inquires , you can email me at :