random Tuesday?


breathing fine, apparently beautiful too HAHA well at least I have a record of the 26 y'o me here 

I attempted to write back in June however I am stuck half way and I don't intend to continue from there. This is by far , the longest silence and break I had from writing. Partly because these days I am more comfortable at writing in private, most of the thoughts are intimate and meant to be exclusive for me and the person who mattered at the moment. 

Most of them is recording the moments and me expressing gratitude over the blessings I am blessed with in this life .For the past few months I realized that evil eyes are real, eyes that wish your happiness to be turned into sorrow. That it is safe for me to keep things in private . Generally to avoid putting the feelings/emotions in many hands, and known to me,  human hands aren't so delicate at handling those. 

This post may not have certain direction , because I think I miss a proper writing. I miss updating this site , to store memories. So I am just going to write what come across my mind. 

if you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind. 

if you're kind to many , you should be kinder / kindest to those who are dear to you.

Oh yea, alhamdulillah after nearing two years in service, I am no longer a contract law officer. Officially a law officer. Its been such an honor to be in this service. Its indeed a fast paced, challenging, humbling learning phase cushioned by a safe environment to grow.  Something I am very grateful for. 

The passion is still burning that I wish to explore more , insyaAllah to many more years ahead of me. 

Okay , shall we see each other next year? 

Love, the'ann
