My two years forever dream , now a reality.

Hello people * cheers while shivering in Cardiff * 

Well the first rule - never underestimate Cardiff's weather ( idk other parts of United Kingdom ) . Semalam pagi keluar cam tak berapa nak sejuk , when I talk about sejuk , I'm talking about 17 - 18'c sejuk ala ala dalam aircond but this time around aircond di mana mana huwaa huwaaa , sibuklah nak bawak sweater pergi Student Union buat student card semua. [ baca dengan nada laju dan gelabah heart beat laju ]  Pastu end up macam panas pastu bukak sweater and gelabah masa nak buat bank letter berterabur sweater mana passport mana semua 

Then I end up going out at night without the sweater - barely survived the weather and this morning we're heading to the Student Union once again , I left my sweater upstairs ( third floor rumah senior ) bukak bukak je pintu shivers gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ( sejuk sila paham , sila jangan percaya weather forecast kata sunny * ala ala Olaf menari dalam summer * )

And I end up shivering all the day dari pagi sampai tengahari. 


Before departing , Allah je tahu camne mixed feelings peluk semua orang. Ayah ibu abang adik adik and makci pakcik sepupu semua ) 

Masih di Malaysia. 

missing my another brother kat Saser.

the siblings abaikan tudung buruk zzzz. 

the ticket well so obvious. haha. 

the family members ( from both ayah ibu's sides )

13 hours. KLIA - Heathrow. Non stop flight. MH002. 11.40 pm Thursday waktu Malaysia - 12+ pm Friday waktu Malaysia , 6.00 am waktu London. 

I tell you this is the only thing I kept hearing through the journey sebab motion sickness semua and hearing to musics does not help you with sleeping , this keep me tenang for hours and able to avoid vomitting. 

wells ni muka sepanjang flight hahahhahaha I tell you THIS IS THE ONLY MOVIE I BARELY WATCH SAMPAI AKHIR tapi belakang belakang tu tidur gak zzzz hahahha I am not a movie goer please no.

These are the notes I wrote , 4.26 am waktu Malaysia dalam flight. 

alhamdulillah berguna notes ni hahah. 


Wells yang menulis ni kan excited arrived kat heathrow tapi turun turun je my expressions was like ( ni je ke Heathrow ahahha takde gambar I was busy with the immigration thank you haha ) 

arrived Heathrow !

met abang Syafiq thank youuuuuu datang jauh jauh jumpa kat Heathrow. :) finally meeting the one yang selalu cerita alevels and the one who're helping through my journey dari Intec ke Cardiff , thank youuuu ! :)

I took a national express from Heathrow ke Cardiff ( 3 hours journey ) 

Signify lembu peta ( read corak badan lembu kah kah ) , konfius dekat ladang ladang highway kambing ke khinzir tapi bila fikir balik khinzir takdok warna putih like who in this world rear pigs in a green land lols. ahah. Singgah beberapa stops before sampai Cardiff , one of them is Chepstown ( kot taktahulah camne eja ) , masyaAllah cantiknya its like a valley , just like Cameron , cooler I bet pastu excited tengok orang cakap sembur sembur asap ( till I saw that he's actually smoking bahahhahahahahaha kbais  ) 

chepstown. Kot. haha

Cardiff castle yeay. 

Chicken Cottage , antara makanan halal yang dibeli sesampainya tuan punya blog di Cardiff

antara gambar first di Cardiff haha. Motip sangat. 

the morning view from the room . 


So hows Cardiff?

Cardiff so far I've walk from the house ( residential areas ) to the city centre . a nice place yang merge a busy city life and a peaceful areas , just like what I expects and how I wish it to be.

Area where I'm living , cam there's surplus of houses for students and typically semua rumah ada tangga kecik yang curam. Like only sorang boleh lalu at one time , and curam masyaAllah haha serious salah langkah boleh bergoleks ke bawah. 

area Cardiff city :)

depan rumah senior. :)

What I miss most when I am here ? 

TOILETS WITH PILI AIR UNTUK ISTINJA' baahahhaha idk how to say this but I miss that A LOT. Seriouslah rindu. Sini toilet semua ada paip singki je , and they expects you to wear tissue like all the time. Being a Malaysian for 20 years living in the country , air tu macam vital gila untuk proses pembersihan najis ( wahhahahah this sounds so gross please ! ) tapi bila kat sini , cam sedih gak takde pili air semua but I am adapting with that. 

Second rule - always have a tissue ( wet tissue pun okay ) and at least a bottle of water for you to settle your business . 

Talking about water , we can drink the waters from the tap ! I mean takyah masak semua and without the filters and it taste like nice mineral waters and thats cool. Semalam cerita dengan senior , they pay 12 pounds sorang a month ( 4 orang serumah ) for unlimited usage of water. 12 pound kira rate yang tetap everyday. 

What excites you here?

BARANG NAMPAK MURAH ( wells kalau convert duit Malaysia nampaklah mahal tapi yeah kalau dah kat sini , to live well tanpa tersedak rasa serba salah kedekut berbelanja , rule number three - jangan convert currency ) .

Lagipun scenery berbelanja kat sini macam lain dengan Malaysia , kalau kat Malaysia , RM 50 flowing fast dalam market , I mean like pergi pasar semua , takde RM 50 jangan harap nak belanja barang dapur dekat Tesco Mydin hatta kedai Ah Tong Taman Tambak Paya ( I MISS MY HOUSE NOW SO YEAH HAHA ) . Tapi kat sini , bila kita hulur 50 pound nampak sangat yang kita ni come from somewhere far , and biasa international student face , and sometimes locals macam pandang pehal dia bagi duit banyak camni woi. Kadang tu ada yang tak terima pun , dia suruh kecikkan currency dulu. They even have highlighter nama dia money tester untuk tahu duit tu fake tak , lagi lagi notes duit yang besar besar. 

Sini coins sangat berguna , sebab benda basic macam susu roti semua harga around 40 - 99 penny ( like 40 - 90 sen aaa camtu ) so kadang tengok orang belanja cam banyak gilaaaa pun nanti cashier cakap , okay 7 pounds berapa penny so macam whoaa murah hahahah , namun bila kita convert 7 x 5 , jadilah RM 35 BUT STILL ITS SOUNDS MURAH la hahah . 

EVERYONE WALKS HERE AND THERE and memang tengah train kaki jalan macam locals laju gilaaa kenapa hahaha Malaysian walking pace awal awal untuk newbies ni ( rujuk diri sendiri , kalau google map kata 15 minutes , its like 25 minutes Malaysian walking pace hahah ) 


so lets see more pictures I guess , sekarang masa tulis ni , 5.57 pm waktu London. Tapi ngantuk pehal tah.

dari Intec ke Cardiff :)

camera phone takde lagi menipu ke macam mana. 

Cardiff Law School , :) 

acah acah hipsturs. 

adalah tak poyo acah acah membaca atas rumput haha.

our lunch yeah berries milk and cookies. 

small panorama view hehe.

 till we meet again , adios from Cardiff , South Wales , United Kingdom. 
