My Biro Tatanegara ( BTN ) and Journey Of A Muslim ( JOM ) week.
So marilah bersama virtually lap lap blog usang aicewah haha , sumpahlah dalam kepala ni nak tulis post , like Syawal post - Ramadhan reflect post ; And yeah at the end semua reflect dalam diri sendiri ditambah dengan ketidak adaan capaian laman sesawang , so yeah yeah ( sambil ala ala kibas tangan gaya emoticon LINE * cincailah cincailah * )
Makanya hari ni , I'll sum up a seven day in a week hidup dekat camp , which I personally think hidup macam perlarian which takdelah perlarian mana ( wakaka jangan sedih sangat diri sendiri please ) - serious both camp stated above SERIOUSLY WORTH the time invested , which masa ni bukannya milik kita pun , tapi pinjaman dari Allah and kita ni cuma seharusnya menggunakan masa masa yang dibagi ni dengan benda benda yang berfaedoh ( read faedah ) .
pre script : // I have like limited pictures sorry phone dumbphone memang buat dengar lagu , buat calls and messages je , and kamera sekadar 2 mega pixel so yeah kalau ada gambar pun belas ihsangg orang //
BTN is kinda wajib , you have no choice and leisurely say NO to BTN , its a must course for JPA sponsored student who're going to overseas and some other sponsors - despite berperang dua ideologi pengalaman manusia lain * ye ye nak pakai perkataan ideologi * tarbiyah BTN wahaha * " bosannya BTN " dan " OMG BTN seronok no worries " , when I personally experience it , I personally love the camp.
I can never deny yang I felt burdened bila sedia maklum yang BTN tu seminggu , and bila datang je Kem Ulu Kenas Kuala Kangsar , Perak tu * its my first time there so excited ala ala kera tu mungkin ada keh keh * , my first impression wasn't that bad , kem cantik alhamdulillah pastu two four seven dengar bunyi sungai which right behind our dormitory. Then we got the tentative and I saw like " whut with this NINE LDK LOLS apa sembilan banyak sangat ni " which bila dah lalu ke sembilan sembilan LDK , kejap je rupanya sembilan ldk ni , which yeah cliche , time flies fast haa.
Rough ideas for those who're seeking what BTN is all about ;
BTN ni I guess it differs to what kind of group you're , contohnya as for me , its Program Transformasi Mahasiswa Ke Luar Negara and we have more indoors than outdoors and generally we had like 4 Wacana Minda , in a simpler way ceramah la . So yeah expect la anything when it comes to ceramah haha. And we had like LDK's with the facilitators and some physical activities + pengisian rohani like tazkirah lepas maghrib and it basically ends pukul 11 lebih camtu everyday. And ada exam at the end of the camp , yeah exam k exam
Through the five days , you'll learn more about your own country , learning the history - and preparing yourself to be an ambassador for your country . Kira lepas ni kalau orang tanya " Kenapa sayang Malaysia ?" I can sum a karangan lah kot selain mengatakan Malaysia ni ada Rafflesia , * motifnya jawapan * . One and a half year duduk intec sibuk belajar history why Korea split into two and how Vietnam end up as a communist country , tang negara sendiri ( dulu adalah waktu SPM tapi kan dulu SPM belajar nak taknak memang sebab nak ace exam ) lost .
And the outcome , now I feel like bertambah jugak knowledge on various area especially about the country and takdelah rasa kosong untuk jadi duta kecil negara di tempat orang nanti insyaAllah . Now that I value " MERDEKA ' is not just a simple phrase that you utter masa sambutan hari kemerdekaan sekolah , deep down you should feel grateful that our previous nenek moyang dan generasi sebelum kita did fight for our indipendence , which certainly not easy sebab simplest analogy - untuk kita sendiri merdeka daripada anasir anasir tak sihat ( you list it down ) pun tak mudah , thats individually , how about seeking for independence for the whole nation yang dah dijajah for 446 years . Definitely our almost 57 years of merdeka shall be something yang kita kena hargai dan jaga.
After a week of BTN , melayan my super endless falling for someone - which eventually its one sided miahahahahahhahahahahaahendlesslaughinglikeforeveralonebutIdontcare * hehe yele tu tak kisah starlight diri sendiri sikit zzzzz
I went to another camp , Journey Of A Muslim ( JOM ) dekat camp El Azhar Morib , Banting. Frankly kalau ikut rasa hati penat seminggu ni , I sometimes in between feel yang macam malas je nak pergi JOM ni , because its by choice and takde pun apa harm kalau tak pergi. Looking at some of my friends sorang sorang tarik diri from the camp , memang rasa nak menarik diri bersama dan menghabiskan masa basuh baju dan bergolek di rumah.
I had no idea about flying. Though sebenarnya faktor utama ' NO IDEA' tu sebab result tak keluar lagi makanya feeling nak tahu tak berapa nak sampai. Triggered by factor sanak saudara mara jpa ( hambar sangat sila cuba lagi anis najwa ) - yang banyak kali remind diri ni
" Anis kena ready mental fizikal "
" Anis kena get ready cabaran dekat luar sana "
Then I was like , k ready , k , but certainly I never knew whether I am ready or not - maybe sebab taktahu dekat mana nak start , so I assume maybe nak kena ready dari segi masak kot sebab apparently takkan nak bawak Puan Nurul Inawati sampai UK en ( so telaah la beberapa resepi melayu yang kot kot nanti mengidam nak makan kat sana sebab western food dah tahap master dah kah kah tipunyaaaa ) , so I considered that as a step for me getting ready for the challenges outside there.
BUT , JOM had successfully changed my ' ready ' perspective. A wider , foreseeing the challenges that I'll face outside there.
Sumpah rasa macam jahil kerdil in combos bila tengok akak akak even yang sama baya had like wider knowledge and deeper understanding towards the religion and certainly they portray it physically , and at some points rasa macam terpukul sangat sebab at the age of 20 , being born as muslim , I can't be the answer bilamana orang tanya . what is islam? Because for me the simplest answer would be how you portray it despite kita explain the piles of islam and all , and I believe I would be betraying my own religion if I answer the question with " Islam is me " and I am not behaving like one.
How I end up thinking like this? Langsung takde any kind of force from the seniors like other camps did yang psycho psycho semua , which allied dengan kata kata Allah , tiada paksaan dalam beragama , its just me myself wondering about the questions I listed ( yang selalu student oversea encountered ) . How can I answer them kalau diri sendiri tak in deep kenal pencipta , tak in deep faham and hayati balm dari Allah which is Al Quran.
I guess JOM did spark the start , the inner me in a journey as a muslim , to seek for the purpose of every aspects I am doing in life . Like
Kenapa Islam?
Kenapa pakai tudung?
Kenapa solat?
Kenapa jaga ikhtilat?
And all the why the whats. Which jawapan dia selain daripada " Allah suruh " . InsyaAllah I am going to spend masa cuti ni to seek for the answers and mula untuk faham and hayati mukjizat Allah.
Despite all the spiritually changes ( I can't say its already a change but soon or even now its better ) , I did learn about khuf ( which sebenarnya macam samar samar lagi tapi akan diusahakan pemahamannya ) and experiencing solat dekat tanah and get to know macam macam benda like ingridients makanan halal haram .
Ada satu slot ni , nama dia Pencarian di Luar Negara * kot * , where a muallaf give the talk , * sorry my bad I couldn't recall his exact name but from what I could catch , nama dia Haji Nicholas ) . I always fancy people who convert and able to understand the religion better than the people yang dilahirkan sedia ada muslim. He converted as muslim at the age of 18 in America and he was asked what triggered him? The only thing that he answered " Hidayah Allah " . From the start of his talk sampai habis , dari ngantuk yang macam ya Allah ngantuk takleh cerita , jadi segar sepanjang talk and I am just like amazed alhamdulillah.
Moga Allah merahmati hidup dia dan keluarga .
One thing that really makes me think yang JOM is super different unlike the other camps yang I pernah pergi ( dari zaman selandar ke zaman post alevels ) was the first night I am there. I went there a bit late than others sebab pi singgah rumah nenek basuh baju . Nak dipendekkan cerita , I put my bag dekat kawasan brothers , and masuk tang tung tang tung dengar forum perkongsian senior semua then balik tu baru nak carik bilik and angkat beg. My dormitory / chalet serious dekat gilaaaaaaaa dengan kawasan beg tu which I can just turun tangga , sepelaung macam panggil jiran sebelah rumah je jarak dia. But a senior stopped me from going there alone. Dia sanggup macam siap siap balik pakai tudung semua , pakai kasut and teman pergi ambik beg tu which basically I can do it myself. Pastu I was like sumpahlah macam amazed gila , its a very simple act sebenarnya tapi from that point I know , soon nanti dekat sana , insyaAllah with the muslim being minority there , I would never be left alone , even in the simplest act .
sebab memang lepas tu masa sharing dengan seniors ( which they put prospective students with the senior dari uni yang sama dalam dorm yang sama ) , they already offer many kinds of help , from free sim card , to houses and hospitality.
And to sum up the long post , I would say yang BTN is not a boring camp / camp yang dikatakan sebagai 'brain wash ' - because if you're a smart person , you'll be able to distinguish mana ilmu yang nak diguna pakai and mana ilmu yang nak dijadikan sempadan.
I would also recommend future adik adik yang membaca sampai line ni hehe ( konon ada reader , tolonglah najwa haha ) JOIN JOM PEEPSSSSS ! Serious join ! Hakak ni penat penat balik BTN , sekelumit rasa kecewa pun takde bila guna pakai energy untuk 3 hari 2 malam punya JOM. And if anyone that I met there, I would like to say infinities of thanks for the hospitality and to the seniors , insyaAllah soon senior Cardiff , Kak Naurah , Kak Nini , Kak Haziqah ( dia sebaya tapi went there earlier and I see her as a senior haha ) , Kak Anis , and all great sisterssss , I am so glad Allah make us to meet , Allah gerakkan and kuatkan hati untuk ke JOM , and I already miss the good vibes there * cries *
Marilah belanja satu dua gambar. :3
my law kool kidz dekat BTN Kuala Kangsar. I guess up next bila dah gather gambar gambar , there'll be like a special post for wordless monday / tuesday / wednesday / cuak thursday result omaigee aaaaa
omg taktahulah kenapa dia tak nak clear sangat , gambar pecah lols sorry keluarga B3 , hehe my cardiff , warwick and ...... * isikan tempat kosong * family :D - a wonderful short meet
so there goes my week in camps !