
Its beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen so long and I guess that will fit as the introduction for every post coming up later ( or not )

its November and I only wrote like twice in October and I feel okay with that. Attachment longar 2.3 

Its a mixed feeling I had now , patut hari ni rasa macam happy sebab dah submit assignment but it was my bad jugak mashed things up to the last minute , weekend pun bergolek golek tak buat apa ( this is sad I know ) and the workloads piled up and luckily I don't burst and I promised myself to keep my books back on the shelf bila balik je dari kelas - dari tutorial - dari hantar assignment , but I choose to seek for the healing voices all the way from Malaysia because that's the only thing that kinda sooth the lingering feeling. And currently there's like piles of law books on the table and my fingers are dancing on the laptop 

Ini pun aku rasa dah malas nak express. 
