Can someone move my law school to Ireland?
So I just got back from Ireland yesterday , unlike other places which aku eagerly nak balik rumah and bergolek dalam duvett , I left Ireland with a very heavy heart. Kinda like attached tahap nak mintak Cardiff Uni pindahkan aku ke Ireland , sepanjang seminggu tu takdelah terfikir rindu Cardiff ke apa ( I was surprised too with myself haha )
Ireland trip was a langgar jelah kind of trip because my Humaira arranged it all , sounds ignorant enough? Yes I am. Sebab at first I was reluctant to spend a week in Ireland when I have two class tests this upcoming semester which is esok dan tulat. ( and I found myself cluelessly looking at the notes I did last week haha ) . So I did say NO to Humaira ( Humaira here is Iwani , my forever travelling partner , the best I could ever wished for ) , but the one week trip was not pricey at all ( which Cardiff - Birmingham - Belfast - Dublin - Cork - Galway - Dublin - Birmingham - Cardiff ) the transportation cost for the whole journey masuk two day trips at Belfast and Galway only cost me around 130 pound , ( jangan convert , kalau convert guwe tepuk dengan ekor bebiri ! ) . I still have my extra savings ( since I dont shop much this year - sekali lagi terperanjat dengan diri sendiri miahaahhaha pat bahu diri sendiri sambil menjeling ke arah syaitonirajim " kau kalah setan . kau kalah hahaha " ) , and why not isn't it?
I never thought pun nak jalan twice during winter break , sebab like last year pergi Scotland and pastu dahhhhh like why you need to travel twice in winter? but I must say , Ireland trip is worth the time spent. Sebab boleh jadi I kept saying NO to this Ireland trip sebab nak study , tapi its travelling that taught me a lot , contoh ( I got this travelling tarbiyaah masa Spain dulu ) ; kalau kita risau pasal masa , yang kita nak ialah keberkatan pada masa , so boleh jadi I spent a week at home tapi aku tak study pun and boleh jadi I only have my Sunday to study , tapi I fully utillize the whole day to revise back , sebab after all Allah pun yang pegang masa tu so why worry that much heh? Sebab kita tahu kita nak berjalan , we plan things ahead , like study awal ( sikit ) miahahhaha doakanlah kesejahteraanku wahai manusia manusia yang membaca har har .
so each time we travel , kita mesti like set the reasons why we travel , I just don't do hadaf ( tujuan ) -less travels. ( walaupun compeletekan clueless dari mana nak ke mana , aku selalu bukak google sheet jaulah untuk tengok hadaf k haha ) Since yang travel ni me and my Humaira plus Widad , we named the jaulah as #JaulahHumaira . This time around , hadaf kitaorang is to tadabbur ( lihat dan mensyukuri , relate it with life ) alam. And next biggest aim is to meet akhawat Ireland , the sisters we met in various program macam Perhimpunan Musim Sejuk ( PMS ) and Journey of a Muslim ( JOM ) .
The people whom I met in Ireland , despite sejuk gils ( when its spelled as GILS , the degree of sejuk is more than GILA hahha my logic ) compared to Wales weather , they offered me warmness like family does. People may said yang " Alah biasa la tu tetamu kan " , the fact that I never layan my tetamu like how they treat me , aku rasa sangat amused and tahap nak apply that comfy kind of treat dekat tetamu future ku miahaha. They treat us like a baby , makan tempat tidur semua , it feels like home . Aku sangat selalu ada masalah untuk tidur strangers house , tapi alhamdulillah seminggu hop rumah orang ke rumah orang , aku rasa sangat selesa . We ate together dalam talam when we're in Dublin ( rasa macam pergi PMS 2.0 haha ) , we have subuh tazkirah when we're in Cork , we ate a seriously daebak punya kebab when we're in Belfast and we communicate with many new strangers in Galway.
To the people I met in Ireland , orang orang rumah ( the highlighted part tu nama rumah ) ( nak namakan rumah jugaklah camni haha ) , at Belfast ( taktahu nama rumah Kak Nabila haha ) - kak Nabila and Kak Mali's house . Hiraa' - Najhan , Nadia and Kak Abin , Bushra - Kak Beilaa , Kak Ekin , Kak Nana , Kak Munirah , Iman - Farah , Kak Miun ( who fetch us from the bus station ) , Kak Effah ( and there's more I couldn't recall ) , Hannan - Kak Najla , Kak Zakiah , Kak Huda , Shantalla - Kak Mira , Kak Kira , Kak Nadia , Kak Sikin , Siraj - Kak Farashikin ( and many more , maaf I couldn't recall semua )
- Thank you , terima kasih banyak banyak , despite busy dengan classes ( since almost all of them took medic ) , for treating us like babies ditatang ( virtually ) bagai minyak ( mungkin muka kot berminyak tapi sekarang kering hahah ) yang penuh. You guys inspired me in many ways , in any ways someone can be inspired , for making some ( a lot ) of time for us , hanya Allah je boleh balas your kindness. May Allah reward you guys with eternal blessings and good health , wealth and everything.
Some people might said yang lamanyaaaa pergi Ireland seminggu , when there's not much things to see , like Giant Causeway , Rope Bridge , the Titanic place , the cave , parks , mosque and the wildlife park ( where semua tempat boleh kot jumpa ) , I still finds yang that one week berlalu dengan sangat sangat pantas. Serious tak rasa lama , dia terasa macam hari hari rasa bermakna gituuuu hahah . ( I sounds like loosing rhythm of writing over here ) ( nak kena polish part express feelings )
well anyway , aside from the main attractions in Ireland , macam Cliff of Moher semua , aku paling suka part pergi zoo in Cork. The Fota Wildlife Park ! HAHAHHAHA SERIOUSLY NAJWA , fyi zoo can be found anywhere in the world , tapi aku rasa tak ramai yang boleh tolerate this side of me , sebab aku rasa tak semua orang pun enjoy pergi zoo , like jumpa haiwan pastu? aside you can go to zoo dekat Malaysia pun . But since everyone agrees to go the wildlife park with me , I was so thankful. Nothing can ever express bertapa aku sangat bahagia boleh pergi zoo and talk to the animals , rasa nak nangis pun ada sebab its my forever wishlist to go to zoo in the UK hahahhaha aku boleh forever cakap dengan housemate yang aku nak pergi Bristol sebab nak pergi zoo ( not the suspension bridge har har ) . Dulu kekecik pergi zoo for school trips and what you see are different kind of creatures yang sangat fancy but as you grow up , kau tak hanya lihat different kind of creatures , you see set of creatures yang share the same earth and they worship Allah even more than you do. Sebab kau tahu these creatures semua tengah berzikir pada Allah . Someone pernah cakap dengan aku when we're passing by a beach ( or I don't really remember ) " Deruan ombak ( air ) ni zikir zikir air pada Allah " since that aku nak selalu ajar diri sendiri supaya - pejam mata dan dengar alam berzikir through these nature sounds. And the wildlife park offers me this , the calmness yang other places tak boleh nak offer :') ( nangis ) ( I can still grasp that feeling , that day we went to the wildlife park )
Kita dah selalu sangat lalai dengan bunyi dunia , and we shall make efforts to be closer to Him through the nature.
Aku rasa in Ireland , aku banyak berbalik pada fitrah. Dulu pernah baca satu theory scholar ni , which say " Humans tend to do good " which after that debated to be too aspirational. Tapi aku silently agree with the scholar yang Human do good bila aku spent a week here in Ireland. It wasn't too aspirational , and besides that , itu fitrah kot , orang suka pada kebaikan , dan tend untuk lakukan kebaikan.
we travel to seek for more reasons to be closer to Allah. and when I said closer , its always YOU who knows how to indicate macam mana Allah ketuk hati tu to be closer to Him. Perhaps He strengthen the tautan hati between human and human , and these humans reminds you about Him , boleh jugak jadi yang kalau in the past we see alam and thats it , tapi lepas travel around , kita jadi hamba yang lebih bersyukur dengan dunia dan seisinya.
its always You , who can define it.
I put a lot of pictures dah kot in my instagram , so perhaps other kind of pictures below.
the cliff of moher , level picisan punya photography.
peacocks are not amused. Not amused at all.
subhanallah scenery at the Rope Bridge ( my whatssap wallpaper now )
tengok jam ( eh dah pukul 11 pagi ahhahah k takde kaitan )
gambar masa nak travel to Birmingham sesubuh. Even way before subuh ahhahaa. first time travel sorang :')