as funny as this may sound

Yesterday was a bit of a new experience for me to deal with in my life. And I’m very sure if you’ve been following my blog for quite some time , this is perhaps the very first and last time I will speak about this.

I’m initially thinking that this is not something worth writing but I found myself writing on the phone  ( it means it can’t wait for the laptop to exist since I’m away at my hometown )

I was wrongly alleged to be standing on someone’s way to get to her man. As funny as it may sounds , I talked to the person, and maintained a , I should say , my politest manner throughout the conversation. I’ve explained all the unnecessary explanation to her , not to justify myself but for me to be clear that I have absolutely nothing that she should be insecure about.

Well the drama includes her telling me all the promises and swearing on Holy Quran that takes between those two , and I can take it at first but as the conversation prolongs , I decided to change into a very defensive mode. I told her that I no longer wants to hear to all sorts of these nonsense and nothing between them concerns me anymore. I told her that I have my pride and she shouldn’t be speaking lowly to me just because she’s way older than me.

To be honest the situation is a bit too funny , as I’m the one who’s being accused to be standing in her way. I mean me , me err who is :-

Proudly  broke at the moment , my life is a misery at this very hour with my studies , and I don’t have the face neither the body that man wants , all in all absolute nothing for you to be insecure neither threatened. I mean how can I get stuck in this situation 😪

Maybe my emotions was being carried away , I was initially quite okay when the conversation ends but after quite some times , it started to hurt me. It hurts because at a point , perhaps somebody is not being honest enough , care enough to explain the whole situation to me.

Despite having confidence in different aspects in life , my confidence as a woman to a man is clearly below the negative par. I never felt I’m able to threaten any woman in their relationship because I’m never too attractive in that woman-man sense . At least for a man to leave someone behind to chase after me. Well maybe he chased after other Anis Najwa but clearly not me. . I know I’ve been ‘schooled’ for this thoughts , but really this can’t be helped.

And having faced such thing , I know that quarrelling over a man do exist in real life that’s why they turned the scene into dramas haha. And not wanting to prolong the matter , I told the person , I’m proudly walking away when I’m not even close haha and praying for the best for both of them. I got so many other things to be concerned about in life generally that taking nonsense may not be one of it.

Hopefully this will be one of the last time I speak up about relationship wise because I’m always bad at it

Empowered and seriously there’s just so many things to handle at the age of 24. Why do I have to handle such dramas ugh 😑

Anyway guess who needs to wear her spectacles constantly now ? I had my prescribed spectacle this morning.  Not really surprised to know that the power instensify from 100:50 to 175:150 , and of course everything turns very cloudy to me with the old spectacles prescribed back in 2015. Still in denial mode though haha pray for my eyes 👀

Psst CLP is less than a month now. Pray for me :)

Love, the'ann
