Assalamualaikum, out of the blue, suddenly I feel like writing something about INTEC. Previously before i entered INTEC, I've been googling about the accommodation , darjah ketersampaian ke tempat tempat sekeliling. But truthfully its hard to find that much about intec. So I'm going to brief a little bit about how the life INTEC would be like :) * with some pictures*

I have another a year to go. I am in my second semester. Hope that this will give some ideas on how INTEC looks like. The environment. Especially people who accidentally read this. Juniors that longing for overseas and seeking for colleges to make preparation, here I provide you some info :) Hope that it helps :) Pray for me too guys. 

* Edited - February 2015 ( alhamdulillah dah kat Cardiff , looking back at this post rasa macam najwa , worth your while leuls haha )

Hello guys , I know that many of you found my blog because seeking for intec punya information. Harapnya membantu insyaAllah , but I've been receiving like many question on how to get into intec?

so , jawapan to this question , I don't precisely know how . Why? sebab last time , I applied for Program Ijazah Luar Negara (PILN) under MARA dalam April 2012 macam tu. Then seeing how ignorant I was time tu , I applied for TESL and LAW ( because we're required to choose two ) sebab that's the only thing yang fit to my spm grades ( minimum requirement ) + masa tu memang rasa nak buat law ( walaupun takdelah yakin gila aku buat law , this is helped by doing job career quizzes , massive of them on the line ) and please don't ask how my 7A's got me there when there's no 7A's minimum requirement is not even in the requirement  sekarang , because policies changed like almost every year depending on your sponsor. ( plus I would always say , its rezeki dari Allah and ceqq sedara mara mak pak cucu cicit takde lagi takde siapa pun orang dalam ke takde , jadi its all rezeki Allah ) . And aku serious tak check pun kat mana pusat persediaan yang dia offer time tu , sebab masa mohon tu I wasn't really hoping sebab you know where you're standing kan. So selama menunggu sampailah interview habis sudah , I thought I'd be doing my alevels dekat KMS ( Kolej Mara Seremban ) bhahaha nehi I was wrong sebab the day result interview keluar : I'll be doing ( done Alevels dah weeweee ) at INTEC Education College. 

So point dia kat sini is that , I never know how to get into intec , sebab its all done by the sponsor and ku cuma ingat perlu mendaftarkan diri ke sana last July 2012 ku tidak ingat benda lain . That's it . Camtulah cerita dia. But what I know , you can try looking through Intec's website which would be genuine for you to apply privately , funded by parents ke , or any private scholarship yang suruh kau apply sendiri then dia bayar. You guys are like so lucky sebab sekarang the website dah macam up-to-date gak aaa so sebab tulah I said it genuine luls. hahah. And one more thing , I don't exactly know how sponsor boleh bertukar dari MARA ke JPA , all I know was tiba tiba JPA sponsor. Miahaha. Alhamdulillah :)

Okay back to the post. Maaf merepek banyak. 

Let me give you some ideas what is INTEC. Intec previously known as Pusat Pendidikan Persediaan ( Have a further reading here )  Basically,  we're doing preparation for degree in oversea's here as INTEC is one of the college that offered preparation thingy .  Thats what I am doing now. By the way, I am taking A-levels here. A level Law to be exact. I am sponsored by JPA. You can enter here with scholars or private ( parents paid for the fees ) 

First and for most, if you're a girl like me. Ahaks. Surely you'll be staying in Kolej Akasia. The chance to stay at Kolej Cemara with the boys , would not be that high but it based on your fate or I  call it, your luck. College for class is in Seksyen 17 , but kolej kediaman, We're at Seksyen 18 , surrounded by shops. So,there would be an easy  access to foods ( from mamak to fast foods ) , internet , photostats ( you can get various of books here , trust me you'll be amazed ), dobi, or even Mydin , Giant, Ole-Ole is here ( significant place ahaks ) . The curfew would be at 11.

* harus acknowledege yang my phone punya camera mega-pixel cuma 2.00 , the reality looks better :). Susunan gambar adalah tidak teratur * 

The room. 

toilet and the pantry. 

yang besar belakang tu, library :) 

fall in INTEC :P

boards and table for study.

Akasia :)

One of the good place to eat : PakLi.

Blok W :)

The library :)

Little idea about what a house in Akasia looks like : There's only 4 people will be staying in a house. There's a toilet, a pantry and also a place to dry you clothes. The highest floor should be the fifth floor. There would be two sofa's . Each of you would have a study table with your own board. A single bed. A locker. And as far as I'm concern for now, all the furniture is in PINK colours girls :) 

If you're thinking about sports, Akasia offered you court badminton dalam Dewan Akasia. Banyak open court. And there's a park situated not far from Akasia. You can just walk there. 

For College in Seksyen 17. Usually you'll be having your own class here where lecturers come to the class. Nothing much different from the school. There would be airconds and fans inside a class. 3 cafe's ( For this time being, I preferred Blok W's cafe. A-level cafe ) , if you wanted to know more, use the Google search engine well people :p . Everyday, to go to the college, there would be buses accommodate from 7 am  for the kolej kediaman.

Back to the Kolej Kediaman . 

If you wish to hang out during weekends. Or even weekdays : No worries people. There would be TAXI. BUS. And KTM not far from here. That KTM will linked you to many places you wish to go. I've been to MidValley ( the most often one ) ( This one by KTM ) , Sunway Piramid ( This one it could be by taxi , bus or even KTM ) , Setia City Mall ( This one by bus. But its quite far ) . The Mines ( by KTM ) . KLCC ( by KTM and LRT )  Trust me you'll be learning this here :) . Not to forget Ole Ole ( by legs ) Mydin and Giant too ( by legs ) ahaha :p

From my personal view : Intec is a very convenient place to study . In some other ways, its important to secure yourself because its a place that you  were exposed to everything. The environment here, I mean you can see bright people that read early in the morning inside the bus. Whenever you;re standing inside the bus, people who sit , will offered themselves to hold what you're holding on that time.  


royal essay said…
Thank you for this information about INTEC. This is a great place to study. I hope I can enroll there.
Anonymous said…
Ada tak org yg age mcm 20an baru nak masuk intec buat A level?? :)
Anis Nazari said…
Hello anonymous, as far as i am concern macam belum jumpa, sebab mostly bawah scholar masuk when we're 19 , tapi alevel takde had umur pun nak ambik , kalau tanggung sendiri boleh rasanya
Anonymous said…
i know you posted this a long time ago, but i was hoping you could help. i recently received a JPA scholarship to intec for economics. they listed me for A-levels and bound for the US. i was wondering if this was a mistake or is it possible to enroll into a university in the US with my Alevels and without SATs?
your help would be much appreciated.
Anis Nazari said…
waalaikumsalam anonymous ,

as far I am concern , there's nothing wrong about that. Alevel is accepted almost everywhere and in your case , its acceptable US. Alevel is one thing , SAT is another thing. Later when you're in semester 2/3 , you need to sit for your SAT exam ( INTEC do provide practice exams - so no worries ) . By mean , you'll do Alevel happily and still going to take SAT . In case if you're not clear , you can contact me through my email
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum sis,
Is it compulsory to wear the hijab in INTEC? Two of my nieces will be furthering their studies there and one of them is free hair while the other wears a turban like Yuna.
Anis Nazari said…
Hello anonymous , sorry for my late reply , but its not compulsory to wear hijab in INTEC. The guideline would only be sopan and ada sikit peraturan pemakaian on monday and friday which does no include wearing hijab. Wearing any kind of scarves would be okay :)
Anonymous said…
Salam. Is it hard to get into intec? How many A's do they need? Im one of the spm leavers btw and when can I apply online??
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam , I don't know exactly how hard it could be to get into intec. Perhaps you can seek for the qualifications and dates online on the websites. They'll provide answers for your inquiries because I am just the part of intec's alumni. Thank you :))
Nazihah said…
Assalam akak.nak tanya.macam mana nak apply jpa eh?macam mana nak masuk intec?
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam. Akak applied for Program Ijazah Luar Negara ( PILN) under MARA later that I know its kerjasama Mara - JPA. So kira sekarang bawah JPA ( note that this may vary through years so I don't longer know what Program they offer now ) and for the second question, truthfully akak taktahu macam mana sebab its all done by the sponsor and what I did last time cuma mendaftarkan diri according to what JPA said which alevels dekat intec for 24 months. Got it?
Nazihah said…
okayyy.nanti kita tanya la k.mekasihhh :)
Anonymous said…
Akak, masa buat foundation law dekat Multimedia U tu(tertulis dalam PILN for law), Minimum 6A- for SPM tu syarat kemasukan ke multimedia U tu ke atau syarat mendapat tajaan/pinjaman mara/jpa? And bila dah habis foundation with cgpa 3.5(qualified to study abroad), kita akan automatik ditaja atau kena buat permohonan tajaan atau pinjaman lain? Sebelum ke luar negara tu kena buat a level dekat intec tu ke atau terus ke luar?
Anis Nazari said…
if its mention in PILN , maksudnya its syarat untuk dapat tajaan. Tengok whats inside the contract , kalau contract kata lepas pointer , then sihat semua , they'll pay for your pengajian , then maksudnya ditaja , kalau its not mentioned inside the contract , kena mohon lain. By the way , did foundation in MMU qualified for overseas preps eh? ( I am not sure about this , and plus UK tak pakai cgpa , the use points instead ( for IB and Alevels ) . Tengok what course you're doing , and in what country. Sebab ada negara yang terus foundation kat sana tapi jarang aaa berlaku , biasa dia akan suruh kita buat prep dekat sini for a year and a half or two. Got me? Kalau tak clear , sorry.
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum. Akak, intec ni mmg khusus sbgai preparation utk study abroad ekk?? Mcm mne plak dgn A-levels... Akak bleh terangkan tak APA itu A-levels sbb sye pljar lpsan spm 2014.. Sye dlm proses mngkaji ni kak.. Harap akak dpt bntu sye..
Anis Nazari said…
waalaikumsalam , yes intec is mainly to prepare students for overseas studies for various countries ( include mesir , korea , france ) , ada program jangka panjang and jangka pendek. And alevels tergolong bawah program jangka panjang because its for 2 years or 1 1/2 years preparation which mainly untuk study di UK or US. But Alevels are widely accepted around the world. Dia kira macam asasi gak tapi its for preparation nak buat degree di luar negara. I don't exactly know what you want to know in specific but generally that's an idea about what Alevels is about. Perhaps you can jot down more specific question for this then I am able to elaborate more. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum, kak, saya memang teringin nk belajar at UK or maybe Australia and saya managed utk dpt 9A's dlm SPM 2014. Saya baru pergi interview JPA tapi x tau dpt ke tak (Engineering at German uni). Kalau saya x dpt ditaja, and saya gi ambik a-levels kt INTEC and result a-lvl saya bagus, ada peluang ke saya untuk ditaja ke luar negara walaupun pre-u program tu saya bayar sendiri? Sebab saya x mampu la kalau nk bayar nk blaja kt UK tu. Untuk Pre-u tu mampu lagi. Hahaha. Thanks!
Anis Nazari said…
waalaikumsalam awak , sorry for my very late reply :(

insyaAllah ada je peluang but truthfully it would be hard sebab usually sponsor wanna keep track their students from the beginning of preparation , so its going to be hard to get after preparation , by mean ada possibility untuk dapat tapi a bit hard. Even the prep alone is not cheap , so akak doakan awak dapat sponsor :) and belajar dekat mana mana , insyaAllah that's whats best He would give you ( sesuai dengan your needs ) :)
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum kak. Saya pon pelajar lepasan SPM 2014. Saya ingat nak sambung Ausmat kat intec ni dlm akaunting tapi ada ja kawan saya yg pernah masuk intec (skrg kat us buat. Engineering ) kata ausmat ni susah.. soo since saya self sponsored saya takot lah takleh nak score and It'll just a waste of money (A LOT) So would you please give nasihat...? Susah ke tidak hehehe.. and lg satu, ada saya terbaca kat Internet comments yg kata management kat intec mcm terok sikit... komen sikit hehehe syukronnn ������
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam. Maaf lambat jugak reply. Aaaa im not really sure about ausmat ( sebab i dont have any friends doing ausmat , kalau ada pun tak rapat so I dont really have any idea about scale susah tu ). Kalau ikut akak, i would suggest alevel (since i survived alevels ) so if its alevel accounting , insyaAllah kalau determine , boleh je lepas InsyaAllah. Im sorry im not helping you with tje ausmat thingy. Intec managment? I dont know but I dont think it affects my study back then , InsyaAllah its progressing well. Couldn't comment that much , maaf because I loathe talking about management ( like trying to point out the flaws ) of a body - thus make it sounds like its affecting me negatively. As far as Im concerned , it was okay and it did at many points help me go through my prep years. All the best awak :) susah / tak for me is no longer a question , I must say when I'm in it, I better make things worth the while. Semoga dimudahkan membuat keputusan :)
Anonymous said…
Salam akak. Boleh sy tahu akak manage brapa A's dulu kat spm? How did you survive in A levels? Saya takut sbb sy ni average student je :( and akak minta jpa-mara tu minimum requirement berapa A's ya?
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam, hai awak. Akak ambik 11 subjects dulu and I got 7A's 4B's and being in a full residential school, thats a quite low achievement and I do regret my days taking education for granted. However , sebab tujuh tulah, alhamdulillah Allah bagi rasa buat alevels since masa akak jpa-mara mintak minimum 7A ( añd note that this varied over years, mungkin waktu awak requirement lebih tinggi ). Sebab tujuh tu jugak alhamdulillah it ignites burning booster all the way through alevels. Pass points for sponsors is 12/15 and alhamdulillah I passed them all sampai habis alevels. First sem I got a full point 15/15 then 12 then 14 and final exam dapat 13 . so it goes without saying yang your spm can't decide whether you're an average of whatever it is. Alevels is hard I admit tapi never once akak rasa it was too hard tahap tak boleh buat , if I stick to my average thinking yang akak dapat 7 je dulu, I might not lalu alevels pun. And maybe jugak sebab akak dah taknak make my parents kecewa lagi, of all investments they put in me not to mention the trust jugak, so siapalah akak nak kecewakan parents lagi dan lagi. So cheer up awak ! You can do this ! Because I've been there so I know insyaAllah akak rasa apa yang awak rasa , but I certainly know it gets better so moga Allah mudahkan urusan awak :) . oh btw surviving alevels , tak tahulah camne tapi Allah ease it in many ways. And kalau awak rajin you can go through the blog ( because I do post about my alevels days with the tips of surviving hehe ) . good luck ;))
Anonymous said…
Fyi, sy calon spm tahun ni. I secured only 4 out of 9 in my trial. I was so depressed sebab cikgu cikgu ada kias kata kami student bodoh and will never contribute anything to school compared to class depan. Budak class depan kkdg downgraded class blakang and some teachers pushed their effort utk kelas depan je which is very unfair. Thankyou akak for your encourage words and yr inspiration vibes! :'D I dont want to boast but I managed to get straight A's for UPSR PMR which ignites my spirit to get a good result for my spm too. I want to prove them wrong. Thankyou for your explaination. I hope you do good in Cardiff!
Anis Nazari said…
Ahaaa. I secured only 5 during my trials so insyaAllah don't worry that much. Faham je all the pressures you're dealing with. Tapi macam awak cakap , you'll prove them wrong, so insyaAllah things will fall into the right place. Have faith. I did nothing pun, just sharing the part and parcels in my life. You're welcome and maybe a good luck for your spm? ( sorry if I get the facts wrong ). Thank you very much , kirim salam all the good foods and Malaysia good weather sobs
Anis Nazari said…
Oh yaaaa continue the straight A legacy ! :) you can do it !
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum kak :)
saya lepasan spm 2015.saya nak tanya sikit pasal interview. kalau org tnya apa yg paling saya takut saya akan jawap interview sbb saya taklah fasih nk speaking. takutlah kak. rasa tak yakin pun how Akak boleh pass interview eh.i need ur nasihat kak.please.. Thanks:-)
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam , I never knew how I could pass the interview aside from alhamdulillah rezeki. I guess it shouldn't be a problem if you try to speak up. Sebab akak yakin yang awak pandai je speaking cuma nak kena polish , akak taktahu nak nasihat macam mana, sebab when it involves speaking, dia kena macam selalu bercakap dengan orang dalam English. Insyaallah awak ada ruang dan peluang tu start conversing with people in English . Tapi kadang dalam interview , people see your effort of doing it , so I guess start now? I can help tho ( maybe over a call ke apa ) . Maaf tak tahu macam mana nak bagi specific solution because when it involves speaking, its constant training ;) good luck !
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum akak. May I know the tips in writing personal statement? Hehe 😅
Anis Nazari said…
waalaikumsalam awak , I'm sorry for the late reply , had been channelling attentions to other priority these days. InsyaAllah I'be put it on the blog somewhere around end of 2013 rasanya ( because personally the tips panjang , so perhaps you can have a look first at the post concerning about that and if you have more inquiries boleh je tanya terus insyaAllah , kot kalau tak faham apa yang akak tulis.
Unknown said…
Assalamualaikum...saya nak sangat masuk intec sbb abg saye pernah masuk kt macam mne nk akak boleh dapat penaja mcm jpa,mara dan sebagainya...macam mane akak mohon penaja tu semue?
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam , akak rasa akak ada tulis dekat atas akak apply for Program Ijazah Luar Negara bawah MARA. Apa maksud awak macam mana mohon penaja tu semua? Cuba pergi tengok website MARA kalau dia ada bukak application.
Unknown said…
Assalammualaikum sis ,

Kawan saya dapat tawaran ke intec jadi saya bantu la search ke google life di intec lepastu jumpa blog sis. Saya nak bertanya bagi pihal dia adakah t-shirt dibenarkan utk dipakai semasa class ?
Unknown said…
Assalammualaikum sis ,

Kawan saya dapat tawaran ke intec jadi saya bantu la search ke google life di intec lepastu jumpa blog sis. Saya nak bertanya bagi pihal dia adakah t-shirt dibenarkan utk dipakai semasa class ?
Anis Nazari said…
Waalaikumsalam , pakai T-shirt dibenarkan , takde masalah insyaallah. As long as what you wear is decent for class that should be fine - baju kurung , T-shirt , skirt and everything , there's no specific guidelines to that. Wish your friend good luck and all the best ! Enjoy Intec life :)
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Assalamualaikum... saya baru dpt tawaran untk masuk INTEC so, saya ada soalan sikit
1. Mcm mana pemakaian masa dlm kelas? Pakaian apa yg dibenarkan
2. Mcm mana pengagihan bilik kpd pelajar? Pelajar mmg dah ditetapkan bilik masa pendaftaran ke, mcm mana?
Anis Nazari said…
Syaza Nurnisa , sorry for the late reply , I was away from home last few days.

I am not really sure about Intec's regulations now , but during my time we're allowed to where anything decent I may say which includes shirts , baju kurung , blouses , skirt , even jeans. Better to check at the website if they provide one.

2. Last time we're allocated based on kedatangan and course. I got there last time early , around 8.00 , so I got a room with other 3 girls ( doing alevels as well ) and they arrived Intec dalam masa yang sama. Kira allocation on the day of pendaftaran. I guess it still works that way.
Anonymous said…
Helloooo, saya nak tanya cadar katil tu nnti bwk sendiri ke
Harga homestay antara yang termurah di Shah Alam & Klang hanya RM180 untuk 2H1M termasuk FREE internet UNIFI 24jam sehari

Rumah teres setingkat dan lot tepi berdekatan taman permainan kanak2 dan boleh parking kereta lebih dari 2 buah kenderaan.

Hanya 14min ke Intec Shah Alam
Anonymous said…
Kak Saya nk tanye,cara pemakaian mmng strict ke ...pihak intec akan check ke kalau kita tk ikut
Anonymous said…
Kak...kita boleh pilih ke roomate kita...or the management yg tetapkan