Besides A Levels. Describe your own life.
I was reading through my posts then I realized that every posts do include Alevels ( emotions - the routine - experience ) . I guess for the past few years ( from 2012 - most of the posts were regarding me and Alevels and yeah ) . So I wonder if I have any other life besides Alevels. After thinking for a few moments - I barely catch up the memories because my life was meant to revolve around this preparation thingy. Idk if this sounds boring - there goes the tale of a boring life. Haha.
- Even when I was home - my routine would be the chores - internet life ( which this include checking mails - checking notifications - replying mails - updating blogs ) and back to revisions. But I do stop for a while to randomly look at the sky - hearing to birds chirping.( apa drama sangat hidup hang najwa )
- Even when I was with my friends - somebody got to limit the conversations because we need to do our revision.
- And when revisions end - I blessed myself with things like Runningman. - I guess I wanted to laugh badly after looking at the notes eheks.
I was reading a blog ( ex budak intec - seniors ) and read so many posts regarding places he visited - mainly about foods reviews around Shah Alam. I was amazed because not even once I went to those places. Even some of the places were nearby. I can also count how many times I went to malls - shops - watching movies. Perhaps because I am not a cinema - goer person - I enjoyed sleeping more in cinemas - so I enjoyed staying home ( read Akasia and recycle my limited movie / drama range which basically banyak kereaaaa ( read korea wahaha )
Basically this is such a boring life kot. Ke. Mungkin pada pandangan mata manusia lain - I can call myself a nerd. Without the spectacles . Maybe I will be suffering some awkward moments right after Alevels end - because you are finally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee without the uneasy feelings for not touching the books. I hope so. I was talking to my sister last night about my studies. My brother were facing his finals soon - which I rarely got to see him with his books / notes and I envied him for being able to do so while I am sitting at the corner for 6 hours ( an hour rest ) struggling between the notes and the running of ink pen.
So there goes my life besides Alevels which basically none. Haha.