What Alevels taught me academically ?

Bunyi macam belum move on dengan kehidupan Alevels. What to do , the current life is like a normal life of an unemployed bachelor with no lover-alahai-pathethic-bunyinya. Haha. It revolves around the house chores - helping my brother with his endless karangan homework - paying the sleep debt and what so ever it is , I guess I am in a right track for enjoying such life.

The tittle earlier was What Alevels taught me? but eventually as I write , it turns out to be all academics and yeah , mehlah tukar tittle post. * as what you can see above there *

So I was thinking earlier what I've learn / what Alevels had taught me for the past two years which personally , two years had taught me like a lot . I mean without all the rules and regulations that restrict your doings - this post is about how Alevels mampu mengubah mentaliti seorang Anis Najwa. Kalau dua Anis Najwa taktahulah kan jadi apa #lawakhambarsangat #NiceTryNajwa

I take into accounts all the defects in my studies masa SPM dulu. Which basically 
  1. Mindset yang selalu kata itu ini susah like sebelum belajar addmath , mindset awal awal dah kata susah , even before I learn addmath , darn youuuu seniors ( wahaha salahkan senior kata addmath susah - which betullah dia susah tapi tapi  the mindset lagi susahkan Addmath )
  2. Stay up . Dulu hari hari tengok orang stay up which aku kira dengan stay up aku mampu score lebih bagus ( sebab orang lain stay up pastu dapat markah semua bagus gila ) - pastu end up ngantuk dalam kelas and you repeat the routine once again. ( but maybe its because we're restricted with the tight schedule , so staying up is one way to study * kot * )
  3. Laziness level . Bila tengok balik buku pastyears SPM , hidup segan tolonglah mati cecepat . I guess I only complete Sejarah and Addmath and lain semua bersih sebersihnya. Which dulu dialah * rujuk diri sendiri * ye ye mintak belikan pastu tak buat. Starlight diri sendiri please.  
  4. Procrastinator berjaya. I never utilized my prep time well which I knew if I truly utilized my prep time ( tak gosip - tak berjalan ke kelas orang - tak membuang masa ) , I could complete my homework and basically sleep earlier. 
  5. Niat . My goals everyday last time masa SPM is to score A's . Bukan sebab memang nak belajar , maybe because of that I feel that physics susah nak consume dalam kepala , itu ini susah , bahasa arab susah , semua susah * repeat susah for thousand times * - susah tak rasanya nak repeat beribu kali? haha. #hambarlagi. 
So Alevels taught me , 

  • Take academics matter seriously. 
Well ini serious. Lima tahun dekat Selandar never make me realized this , I mean kalau sedar pun , dia bukan kesedaran dari dalam jiwa - its merely because you're in debt with your parents who spent thousands for your life . Kadang tu sedar jugak bilamana orang asyik sebut nak 11A+ 11A+ , which I always wrote that everywhere tapi when I'm doing Alevels I do realize yang dulu sebut sebut nak straight A plus semua tu , usaha yang diusahakan tak sampai langsung tahap layak nak dapat . I learn things hard way , dapat 7A - pastu despite scoring lower than the others yang aku kira lagi deserve , it made me think that this is a miracle yang Allah bagi saat aku dah redha belajar mana mana pun sama , tapi Allah bagi jugak peluang untuk a sponsored study . 

If masa SPM , I'm taught to be a taker ( ambik semuaaaaa yang cikgu bagi and don't do other things by yourself ) here I'm taught to be a seeker ( kau nak , kau kena cari ) . Maybe its because of the reality now ( you have access to internet and technologies ) seeking for more infos on the website is kinda easier. 

  •  All the defects above - I mend it. 
All the mindset kata itu ini susah , masa mula mula masuk Alevels dulu , I told myself to clear my mind and accept everything with an open heart , everything in this world is hard , its how you yourself deal with it. And everything starts with your mindset , kalau mindset  awal awal kata susah , things get harder and it burdens you. It happened masa semester 2 masa kena ambik math , well this is like a special case where me dealing with numbers is never good like never good. So it kinda affect my mindset as well , which I tried for so many times that the mindset need to be changed. I tried , at some points I think that I success but when it comes to dealing with the reality , I kinda suck with numbers * as expected *

One thing that I practice through 2 years of Alevels , I don't favour staying up at night even during exam time. I do stay up for movies / studies if esoknya weekend / takde kelas / kelas lambat. But usually during weekdays , I'll go to bed at 11 . Even kalau tak ngantuk I'll make sure I hit the bed early and put aside all technology stuff which could make me awake. I don't practice sleeping after Asar so basically malam memang akan ngantuk dan tidur dengan bahagia. So as you sleep early , you have the tendency to wake up early - kadang sempat tahajjud - and do some morning read. Which I usually scan read any notes and least to do is to read my twitter timeline ( eyes exercises ) hahahahahaha. 

as a result , you can feel much more energetic for class and boleh fokus dengan baik. Tipulah kalau kata yang tak ngantuk langsung ( banyak banyak masa , masa belajar jugaklah selalu rasa ngantuk wahaha ) , banyak je kali ngantuk dalam kelas , and basically its my second and third semester. I like going to class early , sebab bas intec akan berhenti dekat luar and I can do morning walk to class . I take the opportunity to feel the morning breeze sambil acah acah nyanyi bersama burung haha. 

I lessen my procrastinating time by trying to complete assignments early. Well you cant avoid but to cheat sometimes but overtimes , I'll try my best to settle the assignments early. Despite doing all that , I still procrastinate gossip gossip dengan Awesome Nerds , keluar makan berjam jam lamanya but still you have your limits and try as much as possible to at least do some revisions before going to bed. Since I'm a social network - avid , to lessen the feeling of serba salah , selalunya , I'll open a note ( soft copy notes ) bukak sebelah tab twitter / anything related . By the time the timeline is boring ( which overtimes memang boring because I follow limited range of people ) I'll scroll down the notes . It may not sound effective but its an interactive creative way to learn haha. But seriously it helped. Lagi lagi bila baca notes before tidur , when you sleep , it kinda revolve around your head and nanti bila bangun pagi , overtimes I'll question one unclear terms that had been revolving inside your head and tadaaaa secara tidak langsung , you'll visit the note once again to reconfirm things. 

I see different study habits here in intec , which basically you see people who enjoy their life but at the same time , they're struggling really hard. Kalau dulu waktu sekolah , cheating during exams is kinda practiced , which I don't really favour that - kat sini , you know that what you do during your exams are solely because of your usaha and doa tawakkal pada Allah. Oh well tell me how to cheat all essay based papers heh? 

I guess the most significant thing that Alevels taught me is the niat. Niat belajar bukan sebab nak fly semata tapi sebab memang nak belajar.

Spread what you know. Teaching people something does not make you stupider , it makes you wiser. 

Well sometimes we kinda question ourselves , how you know that you're learning because you wanted to learn but not because you wanted to achieve something? I mean tipulah kan kalau kita belajar aimlessly takde hala tuju and at some points you do learn because you wanted all the straight A , with stars perhaps. Then I said , its all about the niat. Everyday before classes , while walking to the bus , I always tell myself , hari ni aku belajar sebab Allah , sebab aku memang nak belajar. Because I know how painful it is to forget all those things you've learnt for SPM. 

So memang sepanjang post ni I sounds like an academic nazi haha what to do , the whole idea of Alevels is academics for god sake. Jadi mainly I'm improving myself in terms penerimaan ilmu and how to assimilate it with your life. I'm not saying I successfully mend all the bad habits during SPM but I certainly improved myself I guess. Jadi sekarang , it hurt me / it annoys me / it trigger my anger mode is someone take academics matter so lightly . Because for you to stand in that position ( a degree position / a scholarship holder / able to seek for knowledge / getting privilege to seek for knowledge ) is something that you need to be grateful for. Sebab tak semua kat dunia ni Allah pilih untuk letak dalam jalan menuntut ilmu. Just don't take things for granted. Just no. Please.  

Though this may sound skema-gila-perempuan-ni-apa-hal. I kind of love the changes I've learnt through this journey and alhamdulillah for this route o Allah. 
