Food worth eating before flying 1.0

I was looking at my friend who came home to cook for us " Mee Kuah " and I guess I've heard of it before but I guess this is my very first try of mee kuah which is in United Kingdom. And its like beyond perfect sedap gila I can cry. haha. 

Pastu takdelah menolong sangat masa masak since my friend , Aifaa kata tak suka orang tengok masa dia masak , so I decided to stay at the kitchen tengok Hindostan wakaka sambil makan biskut marie cicah teh'o panas sambil berjaga jaga takut tertumpah atas laptop. Sambil sambil tu berbual mana beli bawang merah kecik la ( because this is terribly hard to find ) , beli itu ini lah . Out of sudden I wondered about what are the foods worth eating before flying ( studying abroad yang Asian ada minoriti ).

So the first on the list for me is * drumroll bergolek golek then drumroll balik * 

FRESH seafood !

For a multi eater makanan darat telan , makanan laut telan , fresh seafood is definitely on the list. Aku taktahu kenapa Cardiff macamnya dekat dengan laut , macamnyalah , tapi fresh seafood is like so hard to find. Maybe its because capaian aku untuk ke tempat pasar basah ke ( Idk if any of this exist ) macam susah sebab takde kereta haha.  Kalau ada pun , sekali tu jumpa dekat City dalam pasar satu kedai je. Which itupun macam mahal. Aku taktahu nak define mahal macam mana ( tapi this one involve currency exchange aaa ) , macam ada tu aku nak sangat makan sotong then jumpalah kat kedai cina ni , then bila aku tanya , dia kata 1 kg sotong is 10 pound ( secara tiba tiba aku kenyang sotong wahahahha ) , mahal gila boleh? Kau bayangkan 1 kilo sotong , RM 50++ ? Aku takdelah alert mana harga sotong putih malaysia but then its definitely not worth it aaaa buying 1 kg squids for RM 50.00. 

Meskipun kau kata kau bukan like avid eaters of fishes and friends because chicken tasted whole lots better , you wish you never said that ! ( bahahahha menipu ) , tapi truthfully I miss all those kerang kupang ketam dan kawan kawan yang fresh with all the tails and dia punya kulit kulit sekali . Sini semua almost dah frozen and I saw one muscles in a packet , pastu dah excited dah ni yeay kerang yeay nak beli yeay not till I saw " wine " ON THE VERY TOP OF THE PACKAGING ! . Sumpah sedih berlagu biola ! haha. 

So before balik Malaysia ( dah siap plan dah ) I said to my mom nak makan ikan bakar dan kengkawan and aku sanggup menabung nak belanja semua orang makan sebab I miss all the scents of fresh seafoods . Sesungguhnya dengan melihat orang retweet sambal sotong - kerang rebus atas timeline menyeksa jiwa raga. Esok konon nak masak tauge goreng tetapi mana nak ku cari ikan kembung dimakan bersama tauge? ( drama indonesia 987 episode ) haha

Fruits like : Tembikai and durian and guava kot. 

Suprisingly I just notice the absence of watermelon here , they have melons not watermelons. I once ate half watermelons as my lunch back in intec , sensorang yeay. haha. And aku takdelah macam suka gila watermelon but then surely when its missing ( plus the distance between tembikai di Malaysia dan Najwa di UK ) adalah sangat jauh , the heart grows fonder. Haaaaaa. I'm not a big fan of apples and apples and apples which kau senang cari kat sini , the least which could satisfy my fruits craving which it makes you feel like ohohhh daku berada di Malaysia , is limau mandarin , which aku baru je figure kat sini nama dia clementine. Memandangkan dah nak raya cina ni , dulu kat rumah ayah selalu beli sekotak berkotak kotak limau mandarin , and that may be the reason why I purchased like 15 clementines from the pakcik buah and habiskan dalam masa 3 hari , tinggal satu je dalam plastic ni sosbs. 

And durian and guava too . Sampai la ni susah nak cari dua benda ni , even at the asians store. Durian disebabkan boleh dapat dekat rumah I guess tu bolehlah tunggu , my housemate had been longing for tempoyak for months and hahahahha benda paling least kau boleh respond is gelak and crack some hambar jokes out of it sebab kalau kata rindu mee kari ke mee sup ke , bolehlah aku usahakan cari , ni derian mana ceqq nak cekau? ( hahahaahha tulis je boleh ceqq ceqq cekau segala ni , real life loghat Selangor hahaha equivalent to takde loghat leuls ) . Guava is the most painful waiting of all since I ate like guava dulu almost every week and kadang tu gigih pergi mydin cari guava then kalau macam rajin sikit beli dekat makcik kafe alevels. Tapi I always prefer buying from mydin sebab banyak wakakaa and sadly sini takde. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY T.T

Perhaps for the time being ni je kot , you better save some place in your stomach for kebab-ish chicken all  indian food all the curries plus all the potatoes and bland stuff eiurgh plus maggi maggi jika malas tahap apa when you're here. You gotta see these foods like almost everyday sampai tahap kau akan penat makan ayam miahahahahha !


Anonymous said…
Hai kak anis, i hope you have a great and wonderful day today :) i would like to make a request hehe. Boleh tak kak anis buat campus tour? Could you tell us more about the buildings in Cardiff Uni? (Where are your classes and cafes, bangunan ni fakulti apa etc) and also what would you eat on a daily basis. From your curious reader here in Msia ^^
Anis Nazari said…
Haiii anonymous , haha that would take some time jugak, and Cardiff punya buildings scattered around the town , but surely akak boleh usahakan for buildings around my law school. Like you can see student union buildings , the main building, the library , the law and business school ( would that be okay? ) . InsyaAllah soon akak buat. Awak doakan je akak ingat to take the pictures okay. :p
Anis Nazari said…
Ohhh ya and what I eat on daily basis ikut tahap kerajinan, its either I bought sandwiches from subway halal , or my housemate masak like simple things macam nasi , telur , ikan bilis, or on the way balik rumah , maybe I'll buy kebab / burger from the nearest halal restaurant. And usually I'll cramp one day meal dalam lunch (( sebab malas zzz )). But eventually bila winter ni lapar dia ganas sikit, so usually I'll have milk and biscuits (( like biskut marie and oreo )) and fruits (( most of them time is oranges )) . and only on weekend (( yang rajin )) I'll cook Malay foods like masak lemak ke , nasi tomato ke tengoklah. Hahah. Idk it kinda vary everyday. Tapi apa yg akak sebut atas atas ni Angara benda common gak aaaa kot.
Anonymous said…
Oh i see, i am really looking forward for the blogpost about the campus tour ( no pressure kak anis heheh) also alang2 im here (bismillahirrahmanirrahim, kak anis will remember to take pictures of her campus, Aminn :) )