Support system 6712 miles away from home.

Sounds techno enough?

or biology?

and why are these phrases in the midst of doing law...question mark. 

Being here in Cardiff for like 6 months  , many people around here makes you feel accepted like family does despite the missing blood traits. Since I loathe using Friend as a term , because it ends with E-N-D , I considered people surround me are like brothers and sisters . Dulu before fly , I had no idea how support systems ( people surround you ) could be so important . So the original plan was to get an en-suited room , with bathroom in it and shut myself in it and yeah living my life alone as I perceive myself to have a silent atmosphere and live happily ever after * menari berpusing sampai pening *

I got messed up with the hall offered by university , sebab macam mahal dan jauh ( leuls padahal rumah sekarang lebih kurang je jauh nak ke law school , infact tak banyak pun kelas dekat law school leuls lagi sekali ) . And I know Allah tahu yang I couldn't tolerate a very silent atmosphere sebab dekat sini despite sejuk gila tahap level 9.98 , aku tetap on kipas halakan dekat dinding ( jika terlalu sejuk ) sebab I wanna sleep with a sound like bunyi kipas ( weirdo I know ) . Tapi ini serious ! because I kinda not prefer musics before sleeping . So kipas sound it is ( I supposed hahah ) . Okay menerawang. So Allah give me housemates , and sisters ! and perhaps bolehlah brothers sikit , and uncle aunty semua , basically the Malaysian community here , or mungkin boleh gak include locals , jiran sebelah rumah yang rajin tanya kalau berjumpa + classmates saentaro dunia  " Heyya howas your day ? " <-- baca nada british. I swear every locals I met would definitely ask " Heyya howas your day? Your weekend? " hahahah like kalau kau jumpa melayu then you'll go " Assalamualaikum awak apa khabar ? " well that sounds skema haha. 

There was days when I was walking with my usrah mate yang sampai sekarang undecided nama usrah and they go " love symbol " as the whatssap group name , I kinda sense how lucky I am Allah bagi kakak kakak yang ajak buat baik , at the same time care about you , pastu kadang masakkan itu ini and dia tak terbatas pada kumpulan yang share ilmu akhirat , it covers what family does , gelak sama , gurau sama , and can randomly ask hows your day going , going to trips together , and I realize yang these are my support systems yang once I denied their existence in the past sebab kinda think I can live myself alone here. Hahaha Journey of the Muslim could be one of the reason , the spark of 'needing' someone to cling on over the seas far away from home. Bukan maksudnya we're going to rely things on them for every aspects in life and jadikan kau manusia yang hanya bergantung harap pada manusia , but it kinda left you with this secure feeling being here. Tapi kadang they don't really need to do anything pun , their existence is merely a blessing to me. 

I remembered the very first day I arrived Cardiff. Masatu dah ada dah kakak abang yang tunggu the groups  ( which I had no idea they would ) , like kau takpayah susah nak tunggu taxi plus belum biasa dengan surrounding semua kang tetiba terkial nak tanya pakcik taxi " Err bring me to er nowhere , " plus nak sebut nama jalan rumah pun berbelit * dulu la , sekarang dah terror bahahahha padahal enam puluh tujuh kali booking taxi , setiap kali tu dia kena ulang balik nama jalan , dan betulkan pronunciation kah kah puih * . And I had this one sister in mind pastu sebutlah nama kakak tu to the brothers and sisters ( I remember there's Kak Fifah , Kak Anis , more kakak but I couldn't recall while I'm writing but definitely remember the faces ) ni , but yeah eventually sampai je rumah kak Nini , the house is empty . K gelabah katak k time tu , sim card semua tak aktif lagi and I pretty had nowhere to go , I homelessssss ( like literally homeless ) , and the sisters yang aku baru kenal for minutes offers me to stay at their home first , then we'll figure out sebab hari tu hari jumaat yang barakah , the brothers and uncle yang tunggu on that day kena pergi solat jumaat . Bila ingat balik that day , I was supposed to be like daymmmm tired sebab baru sampai dari Malaysia , plus homeless , plus housemate semua dah sampai dulu hari sebelumnya and I couldn't trace mana diaorang because takleh nak make calls . And if and only if , I thought being alone is okay enough , I was wrong at that point. 

Boleh je kalau I choose to survive alone that day , but I guess , dia akan double the tense maybe. haha

And sepanjang hari hari awal di Cardiff , like so many people help me out , with the house , my virtually mommies - sisters for a week , Kak Has , Kak Ain , Kak Syak , Kak Aida . They even provide is with a room to stay like for a week , plus the free foods and care. Then kakak abang yang bawak pergi beli barang rumah tengah tengah malam pindahkan barang semua. I am touched. Hahaha not that I remember the day we got our house key , we're not ready yet to move out from Kak Has's house which is selang satu jalan , so we kinda left some of our stuff in her house so kitaorang adalah reason nak pindah keesokan harinya kah kah because obviously ada barang tinggal . Ngeh. And six months here , I have my constant companion , my housemates , and Kak Naurah and Haziqah , which I look upon as kakak even sebaya hahah . I have more names actually , in fact ramai gilaaaaa yang I couldn't even say how thankful I am sebab dapat banyak support system here . 

I don't even know how it felt like to have none .

*Berbaur mempromosikan Cardiff* *sniff sniff * : and juniors yang mungkin flying to overseas soon and in doubt weh university apa aku nak letak , datanglah Cardiff , because warm people live here and the snow melts even before it reaches the ground kah kah kah. - snow part menipu , tapi warm people is definitely on the list ! 

Well this turns out to be an appreciation post I guess , from helping with house booking and viewing , from the very first day insyaAllah way to go to 2017 , from the hardship to ease , from the very bottom of my heart , thank youuuuuu everyoneeeeeee who've been helping me settling my life in Cardiff. I could never thank you guys enough , cuma selalu mampu mendoakan yang baik baik untuk kalian <3

Ibu ayah atuk nenek pakcik makcik adik beradik , in case you're reading this , perhaps it lessen the worrisome in you heart about how I am here , Allah bagi such great people around me and take care of me like family does , like you guys do. * saranghae *

trust me , you never want to be alone. 
