A week in combo set C please?

What a pleasing tittle as I was imagining a KFC set with potato wedges and the cheese , I had KFC twice already ( twice k twice )  sejak balik dari UK , one masa baru touchdown next is my aunt's treat but I totally forgot about the existence of the cheesy wedges , pastu macam berkira kira bila untuk mendapat sebekas kebahagian tidak hakiki itu haha. 

I had a partial hectic week this week. Just got back from Revival of Ramadhan , of all sessions the program offered , what I like most was the talks , except for one talk early in the morning , the first one hour was superb , but not till the second hour , I was wide awake but my thoughts is running away from the ustaz and berlari sampai kehausan di minda hahaha , I was exhausted leuls. 

And a short ceramah from MyCare about Nuzul Quran was my favourite because the ustaz told us about the fun facts Al-Quran , ayat mana paling panjang , the reasoning behind makiyyah and madaniyah , the people back then yang ada authority nak jot down Al-Quran , basically benda yang kau dah tahu , tapi it still the best session for me , I had fun silently answering to the ustaz's question dekat belakang dengan geng geng masjid aicewahs . Not to mention I'm in love with the masjid and the surrounding. I was amused sebab jemaah subuh perempuan tak kurang dari 3/4 saf and the men side , the very least of 5-6 saf and worth noting its weekdays . Banyak kali terngiang kata seorang brother before aku bali dari UK

 '' Ramadhan is an ibadah festival , yang kau takkan kekok nak ajak orang buat kebaikan sebab its a month yang semua orang berlumba buat kebaikan '' 

jadi tersorok dengan bergaya lah agenda kau mengajak umat manusia untuk pulang kepada Allah sebagai orang yang asing tu ( Hadis ) 

We went to communal home where orang orang yang sakit kusta in the past yang dah sembuh duduk , basically we're told that none of their family members want them because of the stigmatize thoughts yang they will get affected if they bring them back home. Aku tak berkesempatan nak dengar the talk from the doctors but from what my friends told me during the reflection , dia cakap orang orang yang sakit kusta ni , its a penyakit kulit where suddenly parts of your body went missing tapi kau tak rasa sakit when it happens , so dia boleh jadi yang macam eh tetiba dah hilang , like noses and eyes . The worst part of it bila dia kata ' diaorang tak rasa sakit ' , masa tu plenty of my friends yang Allah tengah kifarahkan dosa diaorang rasa sangat bersyukur sebab Allah bagi ujian kesakitan tu. Tiba tiba sakit pun menjadi satu nikmat. 

I did spent quite some time talking with one pakcik ni , we stopped him when he was going to perform zuhur , disebabkan serba salah aku pun macam eh takpe pakcik solatlah , but he insisted of staying. And one thing being there is that you need to be cautious with your questions and never to involved any motion pasal family ke , obviously its the most sensitive issue. The pakcik choose to stay at the communal home and he was there since he was 18 and in front of us seorang pakcik yang dah berumur 80+ years old. Banyak kali jugak aku macam pakcik nak solat , solatlah , but he keep telling us stories and we on the other hand kena initiate the question. Dan kau tahu at the moment he's in need of someone yang he can talk to , dia dah signify orang datang dan pergi , there are like 8 beds there and there's only four of them in the ward. He did say yang kenkadang adik dia bawak je dia balik kampung , but now dia banyak stay dekat situ , perhaps dah tak berapa nak kuat to move around. 

Did I mentioned I went there with one of my GE'EF , Hannis Sofea. Piya indeed ada a very soft hearts , berkali jugak aku tengok dia menangis , its not that I can't cry tapi aku macam banyak pause moments , dan on the other hand aku takut kot jadi orang yang hati dah heartless. And writing this down , aku baru rasa yang I'm longing to see myself back the communal home to just spend my day with the patients there and pinjamkan telinga , but at the same untuk aku enhance social skill jugak , sebab kita dah biasa berinteraksi dengan orang sihat , aku macam kelu sebab susah nak berkomunikasi dengan orang yang kurang sihat , at that moment aku rasa macam how wonderful doctors and nurses can be sebab dia kena menyantuni orang orang yang mungkin not in a good state , emotionally , mentally , physically apatah lagi.

Aku rasa aku sangat rindu kot Revival of Ramadhan , antara pilihan dalam kehidupan yang aku tak regret.  I got the insight of Ramadhan yang disebut sekali dalam Quran , ( ayat 185 ) , Allah tak bercakap pasal puasa tapi turunnya Al-Quran semasa Ramadhan. Nak katanya , this is the best time for you to fix back your relation dengan Quran. Mula balik baca Quran. Do anything to have that good relationship dengan Quran. 

Aku suka bila ustaz tu tanya 

' Bila rasa rasanya amalan kita diterima '

and he said ' Bila kita buat sesuatu tu , walaupun dia kecil , kita istiqamah ( doing it without fail )  dengan benda tu ' 

Ayat tu terus snap dalam hati sebab aku dah kira kira apa benda yang aku buat setahun ni yang aku akan buat without fail everyday , I got an answer to it ( sebab jawab sendiri en ) , and from that moment aku tahu yang aku kena jaga satu amalan ( yang insyaAllah we know it ourselves - put our heart into it and do it enthusiastically ) sebab I've been constantly doing it . And to fix and maintain a good relationship dengan Allah , one of the way is to have a good relationship dengan Quran. 


I got back from ROR tumpang Kak Akhma , yang aku kenal dari UK tapi tak pernah ada peluang nak kenal dengan dekat , mungkin aku yang potato , sepanjang perjalanan tu bercerita perihal journey dakwah tarbiyah masing masing. Aku pernah mengutarakan kerisauan aku terhadap diri sendiri , like aku akan teruskan tak dakwah dan tarbiyah lepas aku grad nanti , and what amused me is that Kak Akhma first tarbiyah is masa dia dah kerja , and because of that aku ambil kesempatan tu untuk tanya does it bother her , kerja and gerak dalam dakwah at the same time , sebab aku rasa itu kot yang macam kept bugging inside my head , sebab takut tak adil terhadap masa / or sebenarnya kau nak escape manjakan diri sendiri ( haih najwa ) 

Went to Masjid Besi for the very first time in my life. Masih amused dengan how beautiful and nicely done open air masjid. Cantik weh , dia macam satu hasil seni masjid yang lain dari lain , mungkin masjid juga nak hispter hahah. 

Sampai je Melaka , this week aku kira sekali je kot eh aku buka dekat rumah , twice dekat sekolah ayah . I did my terawih yesterday dekat sekolah ayah di mana aku bersama seorang adik ni je makmum perempuan. Ayah macam aku gak , ada geng kah kah seperti anaknya  , but it seems like he's the most senior among the group , there's like four to five families and they're mostly can be categorised as a group of Kelantanese teachers , aku taktahu camno pakcik Nazari boleh terhipstur ( stands out ) dekat situ. Not to mention anak anak cikgu lain ni semua kecil kecil amomom guwe aja yang terlebih gedek di situ , mungkin taraf mak budak hahaha. 

I fall in love with quran recitation by the imam for both isyak and terawih , indirectly making me ponder ciri ciri seorang suami yang aku nak , like selama ni selalunya bersifat duniawi ( like caring . attentive and all ) aku hampir saja terlupa skema jawapan ciri ciri suami idaman , is when he can be a good imam with hafalan yang jauh lagi banyak dari aku , aku kalau tolak An- Naba' and Al-Mulk insyaAllah boleh kot lepas the least of 10 - 15 ayat hewwws ahhaha. Itu pun boleh confuse dengan surah lain ( emoticon tangisan berlagu pilu ) . Nak taknak , kau nak a very good ticket for you to be qualified to heaven , and indirectly satu booster untuk jadi the good person yourself. Like siapa eh taknak lelaki baik? tapi kau kalau perangai tak semenggah anis najwa , boleh kot baikkan diri sendiri dulu. 

Oh pastu pagi tadi bangun bangun gelabah sebab baru teringat kena present course presentation for Seeds of Deed camp which jika committee tak ingatkan , daku masih dibuai angin kipas di pagi hari hahaha , alhamdulillah I got like minutes to strengthen my head. I missed datelines for lots of things tah ini mungkin kerana banyak gila semut dalam bilik kah kah kaitan , video lambat submit , feedback lambat bagi what some more , then tadi tetiba committee IM for Projek Kalsom module presentation and I was like , seperti biasa gelabah ayammmmmmmm sebab I was eh bila presentation ni when on the other hand banyak benda tak sorted out. Whats even funnier , I put em' on a list but still forgot astaga najwa . And by the way I'm meeting the person who've been in charged with my internship application esok , doakan kalau kalau ada yang membaca.

Btw waktu Ramadhan ni kot rasanya we can really feel time flies real fast , Ramadhan is going towards the end , and I wonder do I make a full use of it already this year? 

well , that's the whole story of the combo set C for the week. I'm that boring and gelabah ayam heh? Nay I'm not kau kenapa merapu secara tiba tiba. Bye. For now. 

update ; sekarang dah baca sampai surah Al - Ghafir which means pengampunan if I'm not wrong. Just read through Az-Zumar , which means rombongan , like the previous surah I finally found kenapa Allah bagi nama ' rombongan ' sebab at the very end Allah bercerita tentang orang yang secara ramai ramai ibarat rombongan masuk ke dalam neraka and penjaga neraka tanya ' Takdok ka orang bagi peringatan masa hang dekat dunia ' ironically they answered ' ada ' and Allah sambung lagi , ada juga rombongan beramai ramai masuk ke dalam syurga , dan diucapkan kata kata selamat sejahtera ke atas mereka. Which indirectly saying Allah tak cakap sorang dua je masuk syurga , Allah kata rombongan manusia masuk syurga , which means kita ada peluang untuk bersama dengan rombongan of the eternal happiness tu. 
