Hows Cardiff so far?

So I've been taught in my Legal Foundation studies ( just an introduction no worries I would never sounds like I am a law student here eheee ) that the tittle of a case ( or any articles ) would be important for you to imagine what I am going to write further ( which this is something you indirectly know but yeah small things highlighted doh apa motip kau mention * berguling atas jalan not literally * )

so I've been ( not so ) busy these days , where I found myself detaching from the social networks , well you'll surely notice my absence durgh siapa kau orang nak notice ( menampar diri sendiri )

Settling down with... * drumroll please oh wells pakai mulut pun takpe duduudududuud <-- attempt bunyi drumroll bahahahha * 


my houseeee :)

the living room and the kitchen :)

the housemates , Ajlaa Nabila Nadilah Najwa. :)

ROOM TRANSFORMATION , messy I know. Don't mention. haha. 


lols banyak issue sebenarnya rumah ni , I found myself so beeeeeeeeeze ( read busy bossy buzz miahaaa ) last Thursday settling about the house thingy and this week's Thursday I am writing this post lols bahagia bunyi dia . Well originally the plan was to get a house in Gelligaer ( ignore all these typo street name I am just settling in Cardiff for 2 weeks duhh ) , pastu cerita dia panjang sebenarnya , the house punya issue was a bit stressing which I kinda acted cool but sebenarnya gelabah gak , tapi deep down I'm wishing for a new house since the route / urusan towards the old house ( I mean the Gelligaer house tu ) wasn't that smooth from the start , so husnuzhon , mungkin Allah tak bagi duduk situ for some reason which I shall not / never know so Allah jawab my silent prayers through a senior ( may Allah bless you eternally for countless of efforts for helping us to settled down here , not to mention lots of Malaysian seniors , being such a great help from the simplest to biggest matter I encountered here )  for a new affordable and lovely house in the Lisvane Street 

My health condition last week wasn't that pink in health either , perhaps grey * cuba lagi tahun depan najwa , tak lawak * . I suffered sejuk panas demam ke tak ni haha and runny nose plus headache plus the idea of settling down your house stuff in the last weekend , all of this equivalent to sakit kuasa 2 . I did brought along some medication from Malaysia namun nyata ubat Malaysia rebel kot bahahahah they don't work / my body does not responding well to the drugs etc etc. Maybe sebab kita ni dah 20 tahun hidup dalam cuaca khatulistiwa , yang jarang jarang dapat menapak Cameron ( wells weather cam Cameron kot hahah cuma sejuk sikit ) , so tu yang sakit beberapa hari tu. But now mungkin kulit dah tebal beberapa mm bahahahha tidur pun tolak duvet selimut atas lantai. 


Yeah I started my class last 29th of September , first class was at the Julian Hodge Building near to the business school , lols awal awal tak pulak aku explore kat mana Julian Hodge ni pastu bila google kat maps ( you did so well my Mi3 phone ) ( kena puji gak C3 sebab sambil sesat sesat tu dialah yang bagi music takdelah rasa macam forever alone sangat haha ) , DIA PI TUNJUK JADAH MANA JULIAN HODGE BANK. WHAT BANK I WANT BUILDING , duhhh motip gila tanya mat salleh kat mana Julian Hodge where building tu cuma sekangkang kera dari pandangan mata * tutup muka dengan hoodie *

inilah Julian Hodge Building wakakak motipnya kannn .

sebelah tu business school. :)

so far semua okay alhamdulillah. I took four subjects this semester / year - Criminal , Contract , Public Law , and Legal Foundation , all sounds like so law. lawls haha. Buku pun dah purchase , stationery UK mahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal gila please haha tak payah panjang sangat harakat aaa tu tapi serious mahal sebab kalau kau convert duit Malaysia , for example paying for a pen for 3 pound equivalent to RM 15++ in Malaysia , that sounds mahal aite? I know right. * sedangkan baru buat rule last post jangan convert ahaks *

In conclusion aicewah , 

Cardiff setakat yang di explore is a very nice city ( I guess I mentioned this in the previous post ) hahaha .

I am doing well for now. InsyaAllah. In the future as well :)

btw , my abang graduated last week , me is so jealous , me isssss soooo proudddd of you big brotha !

here you go :)) I wish I am there . :'(
