Cerita Semester Satu A-level Law Intec UiTM
Macam dah lama tak campak tajuk tajuk Melayu dek kerana nak bagi double meaning on the post itself. Yadaaa I am so hard to understand. Cliche life I had. But who cares. Ignore the blaaa blaaa. Oh aku buat post sekarang hanya untuk mengekspresi. Enough with kinds of life yang gain followers. Gain likes. Enough I need my own space. Anxiety within the unsecured internet connections : sort of.
So while I am writing this would be the very last day duduk dalam kelas ala ala UK yang sentiasa berdegree celcius-kan 16' or even less * ditambah dengan kipas * But yeahh UK might be colder than this. Which yang aku sendiri taktahu, how the future undertakes me. Phewwww. *muka kucing Parsi* Ini pun aku tak berapa nak tahan. Nampaknya ada orang tak sedar diri yang petang ini dia ada exam Islamic Studies. Final wehh final. Tapi masih watlek watpis duduk depan blog. Lakarkan ekspresi hati dan perasaan. Aicewahhh kenapa ayat bunga bunga ni, mungkin kesan ambik kelas sastera *ini tipu dunia semata*
So terima kasih daun keladi wahai classmates yang dicintai. Idk how the bond started to grow stronger. Ikatan kan something maknawi, we can;t really see but we feel them. I guess things get better everyday. I never knew that the kind off life that I had today is awesome. Dulu before masuk, takut gila macam mana suasana kelas. Am I capable to adapt with the rest. Am I capable to do that or do this. Allah ease them . Thanks Allah.
So semester satu bakal berakhir tak lama lagi.
Seminggu study leave. Dua minggu exam final. Dan cuti yang panjang 7 minggu.
Macam sekolah kan? Yeahhh thats my major love towards intec. Intec, Me loveeechuuu :p
Somehow kolej persediaan * for the first semester * is not bad at all. *joget panda*
Here is the place I explore life. New things. New places. New surrounding. Awesomest. *grammar sucks I know* abaikan grammar saya. Kalau rasa meluat pergi main jauh jauh sana. Terima kasih. Kejutan budaya? Tak Tak. Dulu selandar , paling koman pun pergi MP DP bagai. But you guys should know that the world is bigger than that * ps budak selandar* Muahah. Takde takde, kakak main main je.
So basically Law is awesome. Economics make me think wider wiser wooooér maybe. Psychology seems to be hard at first , tapi makin lama things get easier to cope with. InsyaAllah. While English seems to be a bit hard, so I guess, I need to spare more time for english. Tak pernah pernah aku spare masa untuk english time sekolah dulu and now serve me right. Belajar pulak english. Macam belajar tatabahasa Arab woooh.
I discovered new friends either. Friends who really thinks alike. Maybe sebab kitaorang ambik aliran yang sama, Nanti major benda yang sama. So the way we're thinking might be. I said Migt Be Alike. So I love it though.
Terima Kasih tidak terhingga saya ucapkan kepada desk-mate tersayang. Ainaa Mazelin Mustafa. Okay she might not know I am writing this. I adore your intelligence as well as the scores. Bukan tu je, thanks for being such an understanding friend, sanggup dengar cerita sanggup tahan duduk sebelah manusia yang hambar . Idk how the friendships grows. We might not share the same interest but yeah nice knowing you. Sorry for being boring and cold or even garang. I've tried to be the best desk-mate for the very first semester.
Thanks to my lovely Ajlaa. Nasuha and Kakak Intan. You guys rock my life. The laughters. The gossips. Weeewuuu. Kakak Intan, please don't go. You know, I've been enjoying life where I have a kakak to talk with. To be manja manja with. Meowww meowww.
To my dearest 10 law 2. Korang kena tahu korang awesome tahap Tera. *bukan giga tahuu* . To be with you guys was a colourful memories I had. Weeee weeee. The lecturers. Miss Vell, for being so chill and awesome lecturer. My dearest Miss Nazleen, I guess the closest lecture for me. Sorry banyak susahkan miss. Thanks bawak jalan jalan :) Somehow you're like a kakak to me. You rawkksss either. Mr Thava, you somehow inspired me to be a good lawyer in future. Thanks for being equity to my common knowledge. Muihihi. Miss Tengku, a wise lecturer. She can relates everything well , agama economy. Ohh me love you guyss so much.
Intec , sebuah kolej persediaan yang seronok. Yang awesome. I never had any single regret being here for the first 3-4 months. Terima kasih. Terima kasih and I babbled to much I guess.
This is when the heart babbled : Cerita Semester Satu A-level Law Intec UiTM