Hai cik blog :)

Hai blog. I feel like a loner. Then I need someone to talk with. Cakap dengan kau boleh kan? Please say yes. Please no No, enough said aku rasa heart broken-ed easily nowadays. Terlalu cepat terasa hati. Even I know I shouldn't . :'(

The moment when you feel that the so-called good friend doesn't seems to act like one.
The moment when you feel that the so-called good friend doesn't really understand you.
The moment when you feel that the so-called good friend doesn't seems to suits to your situations.

The moment when sigh is more than everything . The moment which you don't wish to be a moment.

Banyak kali dah aku rasa aku face benda macam ni. Banyak kali. Terlalu banyak. And I am tired for this.  Then I tend to stand with my conclusion back in 2009. The exact things I faced. Being abandoned. No one would know how bad the heart fighting within themselves. Makan hati sendiri...

Back on that day. I know I was giving option. Willingly to give option. But if ever you're in my place. Sumpah wehh sakit. Sumpah sakit. Earlier then tak fikir pun situasi aku. Tak fikir situasi aku yang tengah sempit duit . Sampainya hati. Aku menangis sendiri. Deep drowned into the musics. Alone waiting . Tears streamed down. Don't even bother to ask even I don't start.

Aku dah banyak kali dah cakap, said that I wouldn't care but kenapa bodoh sangat, still against your own word. Kenapa care. You're damn it stupid najwa.

Thanks blog sebab sudi dengar. Sudi care. You're here bila aku takde manusia nak lean. Nak kongsi cerita.