#PRU13 #GeneralElection13

Bismillahirahmanirahim and Assalamualaikum I bet anyone who're reading this.

So, memanjat kesyukuran. #PRU13 sudah melabuhkan tirai dengan kemenangan terus berpihak kepada pemilik bendera biru berdacing. For both sides , since I never clarify my un-heard voice of political stand. I would like to congratulate both sides. For Barisan Nasional, Better Nation we expect. To Pakatan Rakyat , thanks for being such a worthy opponent. 

Maybe its because I am older. Overly attached to social networks. I can see , Malaysian showing good sign in terms of reacting towards this GE matter. At least we're responding. Tak ketinggalan juga mereka yang bercakap secara membuta tuli. Atau juga mereka yang nampak memang tak bother langsung, berjalan di atas garis masa dan terus bercakap tentang hal bercinta. 

Tak dinafikan, this time around. I got anxious waiting for the GE result. Meski pagi Ahad tidak kemana-mana. Termasuk tidak menjenguk dunia luar. Scroll garis masa. Tweet benda yang berjalan dalam kepala.  Tunggu spekulasi. Refresh MalaysiaKini. And finally. It ended. Despites knowing that I'm in my final exam mode.

I'm 19. Not yet eligible to make my voice counted. But, I had a little knowledge and perspective regarding this GE. Seeing people posting on their social network, really shows the level of maturity itself. Can't be deny that, I wanted to see some changes. But I had that kind of 'goosebumps' , how would it be when the government change? Macam mana nak tahu. Tukar tak pernah. 

The fact that I'm a student with scholars. Seeing people says things like " Bersyukurlah dengan BN " , the statement was just a freaked. Can't you even distinguish Barisan Nasional and also Kerajaan? First distinguish. Then talk. Like seriously , acting as a government, securing the welfare state of the citizens is " must-to-do" list. Secure welfare tak pakai duit parti. Secure welfare pakai duit Kerajaan. One of the source that contribute to Duit Kerajaan, is the taxes. That my parents paid. Our parents paid for it. Its not that I'm not being grateful to say this, but its a reality-check. Lagipun nak zahirkan kesyukuran, ada dalam banyak bentuk. Err. 

There were even people come out without clear bases. Without any single knowledge. Pakat - pakat share status bunyi gempak. I tell you. I don't talk with this kind of people. Be natural. Talk wisely. Cakap biar ada sebab. Bukan main cakap je. And ending up being emotional and even asked me to " Ubahlah pemikiran untuk majukan rakyat" . Ahaaaaaaa. Now what? Bro. Akak mohon satu hari nanti, bila awak belajar tinggi tinggi. Belajar ekonomi. Then I'm free for a debating session. Thanks to you, I've been triggering my mind debating. Mungkin dasar typical, when you're opposing, you started to use harsh words. That was just too typical. 

Its okay too have different political stand. Its even good. You got to value. You need to be smart. Standing in one stand. You should be able to recognize the strength of your opponents and you should be able to recognize the weakness of your side. Jangan terlalu taksub. Jangan cepat melatah bila ada yang condemn stand kita. Mungkin ada benda yang nampak baik di mata kita, tapi dia melihat dari sudut pandang negative sin 180' . *so mathematics * Well I can see people, terlalu taksub dengan stand dia, macam dia seorang yang betul *sedangkan dia cuma cakap ikut -dengar-orang je* and bertindak membuta tuli. This is all about respect. After all, kita semua duduk dalam satu negara. Satu kepimpinan. 

Mungkin aku masih berjalan. Bak kata orang lama , belum banyak makan garam. Tapi MSG insyaAllah macaam banyak. Ahaks. Baru 19 tahun bernafas. Dan mungkin baru setahun dua jagung tengok situasi politik. Belum mampu nak clarify strong stand. But then, I know what I'm holding too. And I'm trying to be smart too. 

Well. You can't expect people to think alike. Because Only Great people think alike.

Believe. Better Nation insyaAllah. Mohon lagi 5 tahun, aku nak buat undi pos. Undi dekat United Kingdom. Moga Allah mudahkan jalan. :) 

I considered that this is one of the remarkable General Election , I've been through. A great wake up call. 

Saya sayang Malaysia. Saya rindu nak nyanyi Negaraku. Saya rindu nak recite 5 Rukun Negara :)
