Quick update - result.

So result checked.

First and for most lets us recite Alhamdulillah because with His blessings , finally the result is out tenenenenet.

What I can say , or conclude.

Is, I know that I won't be able to obtain 15 points for this semester ( full points ) because of myself. Sebab I do realize things that went wrong about myself. Dang!

so so so , what I got is T-H-I-R-T-E-E-N. Economics & Islamic studies  A. English & History B , Math C.

Nampak tak combo grades yang sedappppppp ni. K.

alhamdulillah Ya Allah. lepas cut of points dah cukup dah syukur. ( the cut of points for JPA is 12 )

well tak dinafikan adalah sikit * sikit rasa * sedih , sebab last sem dapat 15, this sem dapat 13 dan ayat berbunyi macam tak bersyukur. Nopeeeee, syukur dah ni, cuma yalaa seeing others dapat 15 , makes you feel, " WHATCHHHUUUUU HAVE DONE THROUGH THE SEMESTER HAHHH ANIS NAJWA !!! " k that kind of moment exist.  Takut sebab I guess I've broke my parents heart ke, sebab I achieved lower. But then tadi bila dah check berdezzzzzuuuuups teruih call puan emak, after what I've done, feeling bad about myself, she still congratulate me on what I've achieved. Terharu air mata mengalir di situ. At least, she sooth. So for now its better to not scroll the timeline. Nanti buat kepiluan diri sendiri dan transform jadi hamba yang tak bersyukur. Kenalah kan ada ayat pamper diri sendiri. hehe. I believe yang Allah create hikmah behind something happened. Meski dalam hati ni gelisah punah ranah acane nak evaluate subject performances untuk UCAS. But then. Ada hikmah najwa. Ada hikmah.

Fighting fighters !
