Break you heart.
Love is when you're able to move on to see the person that you love happy with what they chose to be.
Love is when distance don't really matter.
Love is when you're having faith. You trust. You build in hopes.
Love is when you're ready for all the consequences for the steps that you've been taking.
So how you actually define love.
You know how it feels like when you need to destroy your own hopes because you feel that , that's the best decision to be done. When you feel like, moving on is what you should've done earlier. Because when you do it later, you're like stabbing your heart with infinities of razor blade. It hurt you so bad. Wasn't love supposed to make you happy? No.
You're able to let someone that you love with someone else because you love them, all what you want is for them to be happy. Wasn't love supposedly about togetherness? No.
βMenyayangi itu tak berarti selalu berdekat-dekat. Seperti mentari, seperti rembulan, menyayangi bumi dengan jaraknya.β
Jangan menangis. Sebab dengan rasa cinta juga, Allah dah space a guy that worth the wait. Sebab dengan rasa cinta, Allah uji untuk lihat sejauh mana kekuatan seorang hamba. Sebab definisi cinta di atas semua disandarkan pada manusia. Sebab manusia itu tinggalnya di dunia - lupa asal usulnya dari syurga.
Well I don't really know why I wrote this. This is what I felt months ago when I decided to move on. And because I mourn myself during the sadness, I forget to spill it out somewhere. I sooth myself, telling myself , don't really cry because things that won't matter tomorrow.
Sebab bila fikir balik, apa guna bersedih , bila banyak lagi komitmen da'wah yang perlu dilayan. Kalau bab cinta yang tak pasti, jiwa dah rasa punah ranah , kau expect Islam akan jadi kuat mana? Kalau pejuangnya tak mampu kekang rasa hati.