Off the label and pride.

I never see myself as an avid quality-goers for handbags. But since I'm here , negara yang mementingkan hak cipta terpelihara sampaikan nak download movies illegally dari websites pun rasa insecure because afraid yang police tetiba datang depan rumah dan sue. 

I just bought a bag which I was fascinated by the price , its a Michael Kors bag , I always wish to have the original one sebab aku rasa pride and mungkin a little bit of insecurities run deep because many people I met have the original version of MK ( rujuk Michael Kors di atas ) . But then lepas beli ( I bought it from an online store in Malaysia - which basically my aunt help me with buying and I did the transferring money part ) , I tend to question the originality of the bag? Eh macam murah sangat pulak tadi beli. As kalau convert in pound sterling , it only cost me like 23 pound camtu which I met many more bags dekat in store here yang jauh lagi mahal ( the real branded ones ) . So I guess its fake and I'm somehow disappointed with myself sebab choose to purchase.

But wait a minute !

This concerns you most ke najwa? Then if its fake ( I know in law its unacceptable because people are duplicating someone's work ) but being me , I guess I was so wrong to feel disappointed sebenarnya. Sebab aku rasa macam terjatuh berdebuks debuks terlanggar batu berbucu tajam , this is like so dunia . Pastu mula drama pujuk diri sendiri yang katanya , kau perempuan and to have such feelings wanted to feel pretty , nak jugak ada barang berjenama semua. Because the Off Label and Pride. And mungkin sikit satisfaction. Eh banyak kot. Because women's world were so complicated sampai tahap women judge everything that someone's wear and from that dia boleh karang a set of story about the other woman. Ngeh. 

Then I came to realize , pride , labels , satisfaction , does an inch from that kau bawak sama pergi akhirat ? Bunyi klise. aku tahu. Tapi serious ni , do they carry an inch of your pride depan Dia? And to feel sad sebab beli yang tak meet its quality yang you nak , don't you sound like a spoiled brat kat sini? Its a bag for god sake yang memang tentu tentu boleh masuk list kemahuan bukan kehendak. And sebenarnya siapa setup the label level , the pride levels ? One day mungkin Michael Kors tu level paling bawah bila ada orang decided to naikkan pulak jenama Michael Kors(low) - read coleslaw kah kah tak lawak berader. Tapi serious tangga pride ni changed and whats with the worry?

Its okay najwa. At least you've tick one lowest level craving - MK handbag. Haha aku kadang fikir bila go through the real website with the real price , I questioned myself , kalau tak beli yang tadi tu - would you want to waste such amount for a bag , yes for a satisfaction but no for now. Sebab banyak lagi priority - belum masuk nak kumpul duit beli tiket terbang balik ke Malaysia.

Gah even after writing , I still felt a tiny tiny not that tiny disappointment ngeh. Hebat betul penangan serangan dunia dekat kau 

* terpanah tepat dekat core hati * 
