Reckless Malaysian.

Assalamualaikum. I just got the sit back and relax. Huhh *sigh*

Have you face something like :

Kalau kau highway kan, kita dah ada di lane yang paling tepi sekali *yang slow tu* suddenly a stupiddd car potong dari belah kiri kereta.

Or even nak masuk tol then suddenly ada malaun entah  dari mana tetiba tanpa signal masuk depan kereta.

Or even yang bawak kereta macam siput babi. Dahlah traffic light tu kejap. Dia siap boleh berangan. Lembab lembab. Fuuu sangat.

Or even ada manusia yang lelaki *seorang lelaki kata* Kenapa perempuan tak suka lelaki yang smoke, meskipun macam takde kaitan je between the smokers dengan perempuan tu ( ini tiba tiba )

Okay have you ever read, Honk If You're Malaysian by Lydia Teh. Pernah tak?

Its an interesting book for me. When we read what is the reality happening in the society. Despite the jenayah stuff. HIYM by Lydia Teh tell us about Malaysian behaviour. Macam in this years, youngsters  lebih suka buat misscall instead of buat call. Haha macam macam.

SEMUA SITUASI DI ATAS i faced lately. See how reckless Malaysian behave. Drive gaya tak pernah pergi kelas memandu. Know the rules but drive like fuuu. Kalau nak mati, mati sorang jangan drag orang lain. Aku rasa nak maki je kereta kereta yang act like what. Yang berangan . Yangg bodoh. Yang macam macam lagi.

Okay last statement macam tak berkait je dengan kereta. I found the statement somewhere in a group and I was like PANAS kejap. Okay lemme give some review regarding this errr errrrrrrr statement .

 Kenapa perempuan tak suka lelaki yang smoke, meskipun macam takde kaitan je between the smokers dengan perempuan tu 

THIS ONE. cool.

Its a post with comments. Aku review semua comments. Some are good. Some like shits.

Aku agak bengang dengan TAKDE KAITAN tu sebab who say so? Tipuuu lahh kan kalau tak pernah dengar pasal second hand smoker. Third hand smoker. Or even fatwa merokok itu haram. Kenapa haram? I learned in syariah. Ini dalam penisbahan hukum : Ada ayat dalam AlQuran stated yang kita berdosa besar kalau kita cause harm pada diri sendiri. As we know, kandungan dalam rokok yang errr errr tu terang terang nampak yang kandungan dia MEROSAKKAN diri sendiri. When we harm ourself, jatuh hukum berdosa besar. Apa apa yang berdosa besar ialah HARAM. But yet Malaysian being so ignorant. 

Nanti kahwin. Your anak. Your bini . Your mentua all kind stuff we'll get affected by the smoke dear smokers. Melainkan kalau korang devoted habis, lepas kahwin tak smoke. But yet, nicotine cause addiction. Between the time you wanna stop, things count. And pretty shit when you say macam TAKDE KAITAN je. Itu belum kira spenditure pada rokok. One rokok cause how much ahh? Idk. Yang tahu, times dengan 12 months *itu kalau nak merokok setahun je* kalau terdua tahun, tertiga tahun, and so far. bla. bla. Cut cost barang nafkah untuk anak bini , sebab nak penuhkan nafkah sayang rokok. pfffffffffft. 

Its about cool. My schoolmate yang macho macho for me say no for ciggarate. And yes. They says : Aint cool. My family tree. My ayah. My abang. My adik aint a smoker. So I am surrounded with healthy life style.

Comments. I saw a guy. A guy yang support habis, merokok takde gaya. It tell me yang I know He's not a smoker. Won't be a smoker. But yet I saw lotsaa lotsaaa stupidoes people say YES for the statement above. At the end dia diam. Kesian dia. If I were there, I definitely help me from all those people. A comment that catch my attention was : A girl said : Yang for girls, jangan nak harap sangat dapat lelaki tak smoke nowadays. Nanti tak kahwin. And I totally disagree with that. I got cool people surrounds me who says NO for rokok and etc etc. So takdelah tak kahwin sangat.Kan? 

Okay. done. Malas nak membebel. I am missing my machinants. Masing masing dah make way. Jangan jadi reckless and -gve stuff one day. Be human. Good caliph and etc :) I love you brothers sisters. :')
