
so I was in denial to answer banking as one of my choice of questions for commercial but I keep finding myself watching tons of economics videos and googling what ever related to the financial crisis and all the fancy terms with an addition in the search 'for dummies'

some clarified the matters perfectly for dummies like me but some complicates it even more. like are you even sure its for dummies huh because hello one dummy here is having a hard time

psst you might be more than ies , its dummIEST hahhahahahhahah okay at least that's funny to me ( you and your lame joke is not a logarithm - its straightforward ) 

so revisions are doing, alhamdulillah for now. I looked at the past years questions and attempted more than one for now , and planning to do much vigorous revision in this remaining 3 days. This morning I was at the school , making my day productive as ever ( yeah sure ) with high hopes that the remaining list-to-study topics shall be continued after zuhur. 

and there you go , someone read third party liabilities and sleep soundly till asar ( I cries a river but meh I couldn't even digest anything if I continue )  , nay I was fasting today so its to kill the time ( counter-argument ) 

The thoughts that I'm finishing under grads very soon , sometimes doesn't excites me as people may say they are free from all the exams , I mean the exams on papers not the ujian kehidupan dari Ilahi since I'm planning to do my CLP which is clearly ALL-EXAM-oriented and got to see more of simple words turned into a complex jargon - like how you can use simple 'not reasonable' but used unconscionable instead blergh , don't make me mention all the negative negative makes it a positive word , the judges are keen to be fancy with their words , if I'm ever to be a judge I'll make the law prosper merahmati semua lay people on earth. 

Ngeh , now lets sleep and hope that tomorrow will be productive as ever. 

Doakan xx 
