Action speaks louder than words do.

So I was wondering something since yesterday. Do everything need to be express physically . Or it seems to be enough by just saying?

                                                           WORDS DO.

Like  le husband saying  " Aku Terima Nikahnya Anis Najwa Nazari "( berangan ). Expressed by words. Cukup? Cukup untuk menghalalkan yang haram. But can you see money dropping from they sky? Like As long as you love me ,We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke (  for serious? ) As long as you love me ,I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold . Ughh. I seriously taknak pertaruhkan akal fikiran waras kerana cinta. Aicewaah.

So  its not enough. Taking something from another point of view.


Tidak cukup sekadar ucap dua kalimah syahadah. Sebab tu Allah syariatkan ibadah. Sebab tu Islam datangkan sekali pakej Rukun Islam. Rukun Iman. A way of life :) Macam niat, niat nak buat baik dapat pahala, kalau di ekspresikan niat melalui perbuatan, berlipat ganda pahala. Kan? 

Nowadays people easily said. Good in saying but fail in doing.

Gaza is under attack. Almost everyday I saw numerous tweets with a hashtag #PrayForGaza. I am glad because of everyone was alert on whats going on. But, is it enough by just playing with hashtag. Menunjukkan benci dengan cara serendah rendah iman iaitu dengan hati. There goes the boycott thingy. A matter of facts, ain't happening in the real world. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Tepuk poket tanya mana pergi duit. 

Doa itu tak datang sendiri . Kena selarikan dengan Usaha. Dah Usaha, Kita teruskan dengan Ikhtiar : cari jalan lain dan akhrinya tawakkal : as we've showed our best kan. Macam Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Kita buat semua D.U.I.T tu. bukan setakat buat yang D : Doa. Sebab Allah pun cakap dalam In His Mighty Sayings Al-Quran ,

surah At Taubah ayat 105 :

 Dan katakanlah wahai Muhammad “ Hendaklah kamu semua berusaha (beramal ) kerana Allah akan melihat dan menilai apa yang kamu usahakan .”

I once had a prefect course back in highschool. He's holding a balloon with a fire under it , balloon tu meletup and he kept repeating the same procedure again and over again to another balloon. And he asked : Apa yang kita nak buat untuk elakkan daripada belon ni terus meletup ? And everyone was like, " Padamkan api tu "" " Stop doing it" * chaotic situation , and there's a person bangun and tolak balloon tu ke tepi, avoiding it to get close to the fire. So That's The Solution : Action Speaks Louder Than Words . 

Semua mampu cakap. Tak semua mampu buat. 

Renung renungkan.

ps. I've passed my first test. For L license. Steps taken. Still walking , a way to A Car License ( muka bersemangat waja ). I took 9 minutes 49 seconds for the test and 47 over 50 is not bad. Alhamdulillah :) Bragging ye najwa. Bragged . Boo you.
