A levels. Never easy. May Allah ease :)

Assalamualaikum .

Out of sudden , tetiba rasa nak bercerita perihal preparation yang aku tengah buat dekat Intec sekarang.

After a semester. Now in the second semester. Somehow I am glad that I've been stepping this far. But somehow I'm strikes by reality : " Najwa, you're doing A-level " So? "A-level is a preparation for overseas" What? " Yes, you're preparing for Over The Sea  " -.-' K.

Because of these things I could slap my face for times. Iarghhh. Sebab kadangkala tu macam terlalu berjimba . Kadang kadang rasa macam tak study *even sebenarnya depan mata berlambak buku* . Kadang kadang rasa macam muka bahagia senyum habis ke telinga. And questioning myself. " Tak Takut Ke? " -.-' K takut.

Here in Intec. I could find people struggling very very super hard behind their vain ( vain is not the word but I couldn't find any words to put it here ) faces. You can see early in the morning, before stepping on the bus, the people who're sitting at the bus-waiting-side were READING. Early In The Morning. Belum kira dalam bas. Lots of people here claim that they don't study but I tell you, their results prove that they're lying. Reality checked. Never trust someone that said : I don't study. Padahal malam tu dia punyaaaaaaaa menelaah tu. Fiuhhhh *lap peluh dekat dahi*

In INTEC, I've nurtured some positive values inside me. Like sleeping early. Be on the bus early. Get to class early. Kalau dulu dekat Selandar , kalau kita tak suka satu subjek tu, masuk je subjek tu rasa lemah longlai ke tanah tapi here, you have no choice. Because You Have No Choiceee laaaa. You need to go to class because you're paid for class. You need to perform on your subjects. Because again You Have No Choice. Even sekarang kalau tengah lagho duduk layan twitter, I'll make sure that I'll open one academic file and read it in two sides. Tweeting and reading. Meski peratusan pembacaan tu rendah, at least I'm not wasting my time. * nak jugak menang* . Kalau dulu dekat Selandar, buat latihan addmath selalu je tiru orang, takde effort nak buat sendiri sebab MALAS, sekarang I've ditch the malas berusaha tu di belakang. I'll do my math exercises and whenever I couldn't find the solution, then I'll ask. Kalau dulu suka beratuqqqkan semua homework sampai bertimbun, here, I never dare to tangguhkan assignments . If I do, I'm killing myself for last minutes works. Iargghhh.

Kenkadang tu fikir jugak balik, kenapa dulu tak ambik UIA. Freak gila k soalan. Tak baik najwa. Tak baik. Allah lorongkan jalan ni, lalui dengan kecekalan. Sebab bila Allah tunjuk, dia guide through. InsyaAllah ameeen.

Banyaklah value yang aku value diri sendiri bila masuk sini. Tarbiah every single deeds aku buat masa sekolah. As past shouldn't be repeating itself , so banyak sangat valuation yang aku gone through. Dari super malas , kena jadi rajin lebih sikit. Kena. Wajib. Sebab preparing yourself for something yang tak pernah kita bayangkan, like stepping to UK for degree . ANIS NAJWA, this is no joke. K. Always remember yang tak semuaaaa orang dapat peluang belajar dengan selesa, ada tu yang tak dapat sambung belajar, jadi , dapat belajar tu kan satu nikmat Allah, jadilah hamba yang bersyukur. Yang tak kufur dengan nikmat. Yang tak zuhud dengan dunia.

Jadi, apa lagi, marilah. Lets Study people :)

macam takde kaitan kan? Ehek hek.
