A's on the slip.


These few days, my sister keep worrying about how her SPM result this upcoming March. I know how she feels like because I had that kind of feeling back then. Adding the fact that she got her cousin, that happened to born at the same year. You know that kind of feeling, the moment you had a family gathering, A's on the slip might be something to compare. After all, being a typical Malaysian including me, we judge easily. We judge on a particular area . We judge a persons capability to live just by their A's on their slip.


Getting lots of A's or even A+ in your exams, " Hah ni nanti boleh jadi doktor... engineer..."

Getting less A's or more B's and you list it down : " Hahh tulah, malas etc etc anak hantu.. etc etc cuba kau tengok anak * insert the name * , pandai, belajar tinggi tinggi, kau? apa ada? Kau nak jadi apa dah besar nanti. Apa kata kengkawan nanti. Mana nak letak mukaaa.. " Hamboih deramaa nya. :3

Berbisa bukan? Society manpower to judge a person path. Just by A's on their slips? Fair enough people?

I don't know why this kind of situations occurs. Cliche masalahnya. Sebab semua orang dah terdidik dengan satu mindset. Kalau dulu ada A1 and A2. Sekarang ada A+ , A, A- . A's pun boleh ada sign bagai. You got less good grades on the slip, you bodoh. you *insert negetive things inside*

         Its hard to change society perceptions. To satisfy their needs. To suit into the perceptions itself I consider hard. Sedangkan masyarakat tu do nothing on us. I mean like , they never know how we perceive our future. They never know how we plan what to do in future. All they know is to judge. And judge. And again judge. Sampai ada orang sanggup nak puaskan hati masyarakat, doing things against what they believe they can. Sekarang awak percaya yang rezeki tu datang dari siapa? Masyarakat? Dari mulut celupar mata sinis tu? Cakap *garang* .

        Its never fair to judge someone based on their ability in education. I mean ability in OUR *Malaysia* education system. Exam based. Like in school, the surrounding itself nurture the situation where we need to do everything to make sure our grades is good. Get less than 1.00 for the pointer.  I know some people, they got flying colours. They got to study in better place. But *not that kind of suprisingly*  they had no softskill. They can't present themselves that well in terms of talking, not like how the present themselves like so excellent on the slips. Kelakar bukan? Pandai ke langit, tetapi bisu ke tanah.

      Kadang kadang, kita ni dah usaha. Tapi kalau bukan rezeki kita macam mana? Kadang kadang jugak, kita tak usaha, lepas tu salahkan rezeki. * weirdos people is weird*

Kalau dah terdidik dari kecil hingga ke besar macam ni, Tak hairan wujud makcik pakcik bermulut celupar di masa hadapan. Serious said.

      Taking the example of ME. Bunyi seperti menjual diri. Keh keh. I got 7 A's for my SPM. Where people know I am one of SBP product. They expect more A's. They merujuk pada masyarakat sekeliling. When I got Seven. Where I feel thats the best for me. That is the best I've done. And That Is Not How People Surround Me Behave. Mocked voices. They judge. They say anything they want. And getting chances to pursue in A-level is something that goes beyond what I believe that I can get. Mohon scholar pun saja saja cuba nasib. Well even people said : Kau 7 A JE, luar tu berghibuuuuuu straight A. Berghibuuuu straight A+. It pierced me inside mannn. Tapi Allah Maha Tahu. Dia yang atur rezeki. Bukan manusia manusia derjanaaa yang mengata yang atur rezeki kita. They KNOW NOTHING about our future.

Because I know I can't change the world and the system . Who ever happened to read this, change yourself. Change the view on how you look on someone's performances. Change the #SoTypicalMalaysian. Spread the knowledge :)

For whom who feels what I feel. Bersabarlah. Diamlah apabila ada yang mengata.Kerana doa orang yang teraniaya makbul di sisi-Nya. Percaya bahawa setiap manusia ada jalan hidup dia. Susah senang, kan Allah tak uji hamba dia kalau hamba-Nya tak mampu. Kan? Percaya. Bahawa yang tentukan rezeki.  Hanya Allah semata :) Bukan setakat jodoh je tauu rahsia Allah. Rezeki pun sama :)

Rezeki tu Allah tak tulis dalam bentuk A je faham?

Be positive.

