As if I quit

Quitting is never me from the very start I was born and yeah nampak sangat menipunya yosh yosh. 

Meeting some points in life when everything seems so hard and you're too tired to solve ; quitting must be one of the vivid choice. But ...

Quitting itself does not help. So I choose to confront. Biar pedih biar sakit. Whats unsolved must never left unsolved.  But to confront , I need courage , and the process of building the courage ; instead of going through the process many of us choose to quit ; stay in silence , even though it wasn't your fault ; you choose to stay there and at the same time making people conclude that it was your fault. Dan pada masa yang sama , kau dah tak kira manusia pandang kau macam mana. Biarlah urusan dia dengan Tuhan. Kita dengan Tuhan. 

Quitting might be the best way if you're fighting with an empty vessels. Say what? Idioms say empty vessels make the most noise aite ? Tempayan penuh tempayan kosong cuba kau ketuk. Mana yang lebih bising? Yang kosong bukan? So I'll always say to myself . There's no use fighting with someone that make the most noise ; useless. Because intelligent people knows how to distinguish an empty or a full vessel.

Quitting in friendship. Heh. To certain extent I might just quit . When you don't show any interest to contribute. Somehow yang namanya perhubungan , mungkin bagi sesetengah orang , cukup sekadar doa mengiringi , namun jika jasadnya masih bernyawa ; aku kira itu tidak cukup. Mesti bertegur sapa. Unless pada dia , aku hantu. Invisible dan muncul bila kau takut. Muncul bila kau sedih. Juga akan muncul tatkala kau gembira ; namun aku kata , aku invisible . 

Quitting study? Never I wish. Sebab Allah janji siapa usaha Dia bagi sesuai usaha. Kalau mengalah sebelum berusaha , satu nikmat telah aku dusta. Maka , bukan aku untuk kata tidak pada ilmu. 

Motif ? Takde. Aku saja. Nak menulis. 

Pergi. Kalau itu yang engkau pinta. Jika itu yang Tuhan hendakkan. Pasti nanti aku juga redha kau berhenti. 
