Copy. Paste. Update.

Assalamualaikum semua, keep praying for Gaza :)

Its kinda trend nowadays people updating status. In a form of da'wah. Love and motivation. Copy. Paste. Update. And I wonder how it benefit both parties? Maksudnya does it meresap ke dalam hati, orang ambil iktibar despite you're gathering likes or retweets maybe. Because I knew the percentage of social network users were the teenagers. And I am in this phase. Teenage phase. Phase yang susah nak dengar nasihat. Tak bother nak baca something if mukadimah dia tidak berapa nak menarik hati and truthfully I rarely read those status which are copied. Pasted and Updated. And I wonder how many people feels the same.

  I believe that when you talk from your heart. The another hearts feels the sincerity while you're saying. I knew there's a hadis said : Sampaikan ilmu walaupun sepotong ayat. Yes, by sharing your copied status could be menyampaikan. Tetapi penyampaian hanya secara zahir, naluri? I love the environment where people starts to share some worth it status. Which consist of something to learn :)

  Its not wrong. But you should read first what you're going to post. To make sure kesahihan sesuatu yang disampaikan. Jangan sampai apa yang dikongsi menjadi fitnah pada diri sendiri. Like spelling InsyaAllah. After the rumours spread, Dr Zakir Naik stated that it wasn't him saying that. Sebab macam mana pun kita ejaa, tetap ejaannya salah sebab dia bukan dalam bahasa Arab. Sebab ejaan asal InsyaAllah ialah dalam bahasa Arab sendiri. Wise saying.

 Share it with your heart. I know you know how to do it. Cuba bayangkan you want someone who talk to you and how you want that person  use  the closest method , supaya kita sendiri tak rebel , supaya kita sendiri dapat terima dengan hati yang terbuka. Kita sendiri takde selera nak dengar kalau orang start cakap je dah membingitkan diri sendiri. Lain rasa dia bila ada orang nak cakap dengan kita, mukadimah dia cakap baik baik, berdiplomasi and I know everyone wants the same. Kan. Ke memang suka hidup kena tengking?

Moga apa yang disampaikan datang dari hati. Agar dapat kita sentuh hati yang lagi satu :)
Teruskan berkongsi ilmu kerana itu kewajipan sesama manusia :)